DSS #27 - "thomas"
My first photo challenge on dgrin.
I met this homeless man on the streets of my town. He was great to chat with, and we spent a while discussing all the messages displayed on his hat.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking.
I met this homeless man on the streets of my town. He was great to chat with, and we spent a while discussing all the messages displayed on his hat.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for looking.

I like the photo. It has a lot of character to it. I especially like the cane. I really favor pictures that tell a story. One thing to keep in mind is that you have to remember that (you already know the story and have become attached to it).
However, we the viewer, are not getting that story. Now if you had shot him in his surroundings and gave us something in the shot that would denote the man's situation, it would be more powerful.
For instance, an alley, a shack, or rundown neighborhood, maybe even a sign that says will work for food... you get my point.. as is... it could be anyone you already know just posing for a photo acting silly taping stuff to their head..
I do wish I could read those pieces of paper.. that does pull me into the photo..
So, my point.. Well shot, and I can feel this guys personality on his expression.. very nice.. but you need to give us something in your title to share the story of the photo...ok?
Welcome... and look forward to your future work too..
As I was taking this photo, I was looking for something that would complete the story. A shopping cart filled with all his belongings, a sign asking for food or $$, or anything that would tell the viewer his situation.
Unfortunately he was sitting on the bench with all you see in the photo, and nothing else. I will work on a better title.
Thanks again Kat.
the title is challenging, but I am sure you will come up with something...
perhaps something along the lines of Who America Forgot, or left behind.. or "homage to the homeless" or well.. and you can still keep his name too: Thomas: Homage to the homeless.. or Thomas: One of the forgotten... you get the point, perhaps that will help stir the creative juices..
Just be sure to title your photo in the gallery with this format... your >>>>>>>> username - title
good luck