DSS #27 Two new ideas for C&C

Went out to shoot the sunset, ended up shooting the moon.

still working on titles to tie in the theme...
whaddya think???

still working on titles to tie in the theme...
whaddya think???
Nikon D300, 17-35, 24-70, 70-200, 105 Macro, Tokina 11-16, Lensbaby, iPhone!
A + on creativity.
second is more creative.. and the first has such mood to it and is shot very uniquely..
Which is your fav?
Hard choice...
instead of man on the moon.. HA HA..
I dunno.. I am thinking.. that is a tough one.....
The first one reminds me of Hitchcock's birds..
How about a A Hitchcock Gathering or A Hitchcock Moon.. or something along those lines? I dunno.
I am thinking on the moon guy.. that's tough...
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Really like what you did in the rework of #2. You brought out just enough detail in the statue.
I still am leaning towards #1 though. Just needs a little fine tuning.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
is it singular or plural.. I did not even think about that... you may have to really "drive" that point home with your title..
I dunno.............
Still want to try and reshoot the photographers changing the lightbulb!
Exactly my reaction when I saw the images.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Now where'd I put that ladder??
lets see that original shot again..
Here it is...
However,,, it is good to have the original here so that we can compare it to the "new" one..:D:D:D