DSS #27 - Take Two

Had another change to shoot today. Went to a local grange fair and managed to get a shot of one of the musicians, which may be OK for the challenge. Then we headed to an open house at a llama/alpaca farm. Talk about serendipity! If we hadn't headed to the grange fair, we'd have never seen the open house signs for the farm.
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"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Don't have a title for any of them yet.
I like #2... it is full of character and shot and exposed nicely.. it made me laugh, so much personality in that fella.. I mean just look at those teeth.
The musician is my second fav....The lighting and processing are beautiful.. I will say the title in this one will be "key" because at first glance I have a hard time telling what he is doing.. it almost looks like he is eating something.
The third one is good too and awwwwwwww.. precious... maybe a title like:
Llama Llama.. Either way.. They are all wonderfully shot.
You have a real knack for candid shots, I might add..
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Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
That fellow in #2 was posing like a model for me.
The mother alpaca and her newborn in #3 gave me a hard time in B&W. The color photo is gorgeous but in the conversion I had a hard time getting them to separate from the background because they looked the same color. I played with the Hue/Saturation layer to tweak the background color so it would look different in B&W. But I'm not 100% happy with it yet. Allen, thanks for the Gaussian blur suggestion, I'll give that a try when I get home tonight.
I also have another character from the llama farm I'd like to run past you guys, if you all don't mind.
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And do you think this one has any potential? I can title it "Llama Mama". I just get a kick out of that face....
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I like the new version much better. I kept flipping between page 1 and 2 on this thread to compare them over and over and in the reworked version they stand out much more. I bet you still have the mask that you used to blur up the background saved, so I would also try to use curves to create a little more contrast between the background and your subjects ... just something that I would definitely try, if it were my entry ... up to you, of course :cool (assuming you still have the mask saved)
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Now that I see Llama Mama on my monitor at work, I can see that the DOF is off just a tad and her nose is just slightly out of focus. Oh well! But she is a piece of work with that face, eh?
I really like the first one, but not for this contest...
For the purpose of this challenge I think #2 or #3 would be good.
I would clean/darken a little some of distracting white spots in the background though...
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Yeah I was thinking of making the brighter parts of the background just a little darker.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
I darkened the background very subtley. And, I discovered I hadn't saved the version with my mask so I had to recreate it.
This is what I'll probably wind up going with:
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
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