Wedding rehearsal stroll

During a cocktail hour after a wedding rehearsal, a couple in the bridal party strolls around the grounds of the Castle on the Hudson. Taken about an hour before a nasty thunderstorm rolled in:

I shoot the wedding tomorrow, so more pics to come I am sure :wink

I shoot the wedding tomorrow, so more pics to come I am sure :wink
Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
one of the things i like about your wedding photography, shay, is that you *always* give the b&g something different - this shot isn't in most guys' portfolio, and it should be. it's quite lovely, love the radiant glow around the soon-to-be married couple's heads ... the colors are rich and vibrant, no mistaking the "spring" feeling - new beginnings and all - very romantic. and the composition? it's classic.
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if it was the bride and groom i probably would've liked it a lot more.
The reason I liked the photo was because it has this crazy complexity to it, spring gone wild if you will, yet there is this small pocket in the lower left where there is some peace and tranquility as this explosion of spring is enjoyed.
A contrast, even if only conceptual.
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Just curious.
Nice work.
if you're the pro photographer, how cool is it to be able to sell a huge print of this to a couple from the wedding party? cha-ching!
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I just returned from a week in NY and was struck with the lush vibrant colors. I just don't remember past springs being so vibrant? Am I losing my memory or is it always like that?
My mom said there was a lot of snow last winter, and we (in California) had a lot of rain. Our flowers worked overtime producing loads of blooms for our spring. Maybe it was an abundance of water?
Anyway, I could see the same levels of multi-colored greens in your photo that I saw on the island.
The girl's dress pops nicely against the green and contrast with the pink blooms, sure looks like a nice quiet moment they shared.
dee, it's the really wet spring we've been having
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I photographed in Seatauket to match your rhodendren bush
I've about 40 more family photos to process before I can begin my trip photos.
The only thing I didn't get was the lilac bushes loaded with blooms. Every time we saw a good bush, we thought we'd get it on the way back but for various reasons we never did get any :-(
Awesome picture Shay... it makes me sad that my parents are leaning towards the not being able to afford you side for my wedding... you're an awesome photographer!
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Very beautiful
Love the back lit trees
I sure they will live it also
seeing their friends enjoyment.