DSS #27 Eggs Files Final Attempt
Ok. I just deleted 500 MB of egg photos from my hard drive.:huh
I have no illusions about my chances this time around, but I do want to submit my "best," so please bear with a few more glowing egg pictures.:thumb By the way, these are (except for converting to b/w and tone curving,) straight-out-of-camera shots.
Current submission: Eggs Files: The Truth is in There.

Reshoot #1:

Reshoot #2

Reshoot #3:(The Wife likes this one)

Reshoot #4:
I have no illusions about my chances this time around, but I do want to submit my "best," so please bear with a few more glowing egg pictures.:thumb By the way, these are (except for converting to b/w and tone curving,) straight-out-of-camera shots.
Current submission: Eggs Files: The Truth is in There.

Reshoot #1:

Reshoot #2

Reshoot #3:(The Wife likes this one)

Reshoot #4:

In my non-expert opinion, I think your original entry is the best.
500 MB of eggs....that would a whole lot of MB of scrambled eggs.
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Did some egg polishing???
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
I like your current submission... it shows the curvature of the eggs better and it is a cleaner glow.. without too much blowout
Price-Rite eggs. $.99 per dozen! Moisture from fridge.
So: 2 votes for original, one for #1 or 2, one (+wife) for #3.
I appreciate everyone's comments, but as the artistador* I ended up going with reshoot #3. It was a personal thing.
*Artistador = artist + matador. It's kinda like being a regular artist, but with more bull.:D
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