Canon Service Manual please...
Can someone here pull a string somewhere and get me a copy of the service manual for the 70-200 IS USM lens?
I've seen the parts manual on the web, but I want the service manual.
pretty please...
I've seen the parts manual on the web, but I want the service manual.
pretty please...
I have seen the parts manual.
I need the service manual.
I want to get the front helicoid out of the lens and need to see the procedure.
Looks like the forward tube housing the focus ring needs to come off first.
Also seems as if there is going to be some kind of special tool for that job.
If I can see the manual showing the tool and it's use, I can make one and go forth with my work on the lens.
You actually have the -service- manual?
If you don't and have access to one, scan some pages for me and wing them out to my email account.
My local lens doctor isn't certified with canon on IS lenses and so he doesn't get to order the manual. Otherwise I would have my own bootleg copy by now.
If you have strings to pull, get pulling. I'd love to finish up on tuning this thing up.
As it is it rocks. With a bit of work on the helicoid, it's gonna be good as new.
I'll have to -not- tip a glass of scotch to you this time yff.
I was sooo hopeful too that the Big Guru Patch was going to come through with the Holy Grail Service Manual.
I'll get over it.
Might take years and years of serious alcohol abuse and reckless motorcycling, but I'll get over it.
So, do you think there might be -someone- you know who might know -someone- who could get me a bootleg of that thing?
C'mon Patch, Buddy, Pal...
I know you have something up you sleeve there.
Gotta be something...