A couple of options - C&C PRETTY PLEASE

First B&W attempts. 
#1 Snake in the grass.
Simple B&W conversion.

#2 Snake in the grass. Pumped up a little.

#3 Can't have too many.

#4 No name yet

I have one more idea, but I don't know if I can pull it off.

#1 Snake in the grass.
Simple B&W conversion.

#2 Snake in the grass. Pumped up a little.

#3 Can't have too many.

#4 No name yet

I have one more idea, but I don't know if I can pull it off.
Glad you have come out to play. Good Luck on it.
or #1 - I really like where you are going with #1, however, I think a re-shoot is in order... I think for the title snake in the grass, we need more snake,, more length and depth.. If I were you I would go out and shoot that subject from all different angles and depths,,, it looks fun to work with and I think it has the ability to be a strong entry if captured right... try getting down lower to the ground too in some of them and give us an angle we would normally not see if we were standing there...
Nice work..
Excellent creativity.....never would have envisioned that had I driven by that field!
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And then a couple of new ideas.
#8 One Happy Dog
#9 At the U-Pick - So Many Strawberries, So Little Time
#10 At the U-Pick - So Many Berries, So Little Time
#11 Somebody Stop Me!
I am having too much fun!
after that #5 and the strawberries....
Nice job
So you prefer #7 over my original #3 that several people liked?
What most people do, myself included.. is.... > you run your thread like you did and narrow it down... and now that you have.. take the top contenders and start a brand new thread, and list those contenders only.. and take a final vote with the top ones you have reworked and perfected...
So glad you got a chance to reshoot.
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But remember the final decisions are yours.
and a little from the left.
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