#28 - Final C&C

Per Kat's suggestion, I'm sticking all my attempts into a new thread and on one page for a final C&C so you can see than all next to each other. These have all been cleaned up. Lemme have it! 
#1 - "For Sale"

#2 - "The Final Frontier"

#3 - Chinese Lanterns & Dress (vertical)

#4 - Chinese Lanterns & Dress (horizontal)

#5 - Chinese Lanterns & Cocktail Dress

#1 - "For Sale"

#2 - "The Final Frontier"

#3 - Chinese Lanterns & Dress (vertical)

#4 - Chinese Lanterns & Dress (horizontal)

#5 - Chinese Lanterns & Cocktail Dress

I really like #1, however, because the dog and walker look "placed in", I would have to go with #5 and then #3. Beautiful colors!
I think you could have a winner with any of these shots. Really, really fantastic! All spot-on for this theme.
#1 is definitely a favorite, I just don't think though that it looks believable....might need a shadow or something on the dog.
#3 and #4 I think are my favorites of all my favorites of your shots!
Again -
I am really interested to know what you did to process these images to achieve the wondrous, vibrant colors - especially #4.
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You always post so many intriguing photos that it takes me leaving and then coming back again and again before I can comment.. I want to leave the best advice I can...
I am still standing firm on #5...
I even brought my husband to the computer, to get a fresh set of eyes that have not seen them before,,,,, almost sure he would pick frontier and he picked #5 right off the bat.. There is something all around pleasing about it...
What you did with #3 is gorgeous, but the reflections in the windows are making it too busy, especially with all of the high contrast color. I am not fond of the piece of ball sticking out from the waistline of the dress, and the green planter boxes pull my eyes downward too aggressively.
I always did like #1, but I just cannot make peace with that heavy slant in the street when the theme is squared..
The Final Frontier cleaned up very nicely with the shadows much softer and more natural...
However, in order to help out, I know I have to pick one..
So I am sticking with #5...
Job well done IMHO
P.S. >> Nice recovery on the dress Linda.. I was worried it would be a tough one on that blowout..
Thanks, Brian. Yeah, that dog walker does look placed in and that was my problem with it. Even tried adding a shadow, which improved it slightly but not enough. I tried bringing out the edges to give the photo a sketch-like look but even with that they still look placed in.
I did place a shadow on the dog walker but it still wasn't enough.
I used a Photoshop Lomo action to get those colors to pop like that. I'll post some more information on that in a how-to thread.
This is where having another set of eyes comes in handy.
As much as I like how that shot turned out and as much fun as I had in creating it, the more I look at it, the more it appears to cross the line from photograph to digital art. Not sure how shatch and divamum would interpret that shot. Have to think about it.
That said, I like #1 the best, and then #4.
Good luck!
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
== Yep, that is probably it...
[/quote]This is where having another set of eyes comes in handy.
== A very decent crop Linda.. but the planters are so pretty they compete.. It is still a very strong entry too though with the reflection clean up.
== I know..been there before too,,, Have to mention that I don't get what everyone is saying about the lady and dog.. I cannot see anything wrong with it.. Looks good to me.........
[/quote]As much as I like how that shot turned out and as much fun as I had in creating it, the more I look at it, the more it appears to cross the line from photograph to digital art. Not sure how shatch and divamum would interpret that shot. Have to think about it.[/quote]
== Yeah... I had wondered that too,,, hmmm.. that happens to me a lot when I try composites.. I am "not very good" at them yet, but learning..However, you did an awesome job, but I can see your point for sure on the digital graphics line there..
Whatever you end up choosing, I am confident you will chose well with your entry.... especially with your talent and knack for knowing these competitions..
Good Luck..
A good protocol 'droid should be able to translate that for you.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
Thanks, Allen!
I really think it should be
Where is C-3PO when I need him?
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"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
I've spent the bulk my time here just lurking in the thread trying to make my mind up. :hack
I'm going to take a deep breath and just flip a coin. The worst that can come out of this is that I have some nice pics to add to my galleries.