#28 Refreshing Circles

"Refreshing Circles" - No, that's not the title of the image....still a work in progress - just not clever enough at this hour! :wink
I'm going to reshoot, but before I do I wanted to gather some expert input. Some obvious fixes in the next shoot - add ice! (as soon as I can find some photogenic ice), even the vignette, maybe a little too hot on the lemon? What else?

And I promise that I haven't been procrastinating.....I've had many ideas, got kicked out of several grocery stores AND a laundromat for this theme!:rofl
I'm going to reshoot, but before I do I wanted to gather some expert input. Some obvious fixes in the next shoot - add ice! (as soon as I can find some photogenic ice), even the vignette, maybe a little too hot on the lemon? What else?

And I promise that I haven't been procrastinating.....I've had many ideas, got kicked out of several grocery stores AND a laundromat for this theme!:rofl
I like the colors cool and refreshing.
You need to mumble more and have small outburst (these canned goods are not cooperating):tiptoewhen shooting in public then they will leave you alone.
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Laundromat? A long row of dryers I presume? Neat idea.
That's an aesthetic judgement, not a technical one.
Yeah, the more I look at it, I think you're right
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
- I guess that you can give it a try with ice too - just as a variation...
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The picture makes me want some lemonade! Could you send some and along with it some sun? It's been raining for days, with more to come.
If you are going to reshoot, I would experiment with repositioning the paper umbrella. Have it point towards the lower left corner for example instead of parallel to the straw. Or at other angles As is, for me it gives the photo a static feel. Which may be fine, since in is a graphic.
Whatever you decide, tis a good, solid entry!!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
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Also the angle is very interesting not quite vertical, with a tiny bit at the bottom of the front of the glass showing. This makes it slightly softer approach than the harsh circle but since you're reshooting might as well try and change your angle of tiny bit so the circle is a bit harsher in its bottom line, this could go well with the jagged ice to be added.
All of the sudden I see a worker in the produce aisle running to get a manager....."Oh crap, don't kick me out of this store too!" I thought to myself. At the third grocery store I brought my 3 year old son and let him push around the tiny grocery cart, thinking this would create enough chaos that no one would notice me with camera! Then I gave up. I can see how mumbling might work!
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Thank you - I was worried that the theme might not be that evident..
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Thanks Mike - I've been playing around with the light placement today and I think I've nixed those shadows!
The laundromat - if you only knew! I had an idea, one that I didn't think was that complicated. An old laundromat with those early 1980's type dryers, slow shutter speed to show the swirl of colored clothing, in the foreground a pile of quarters - titled "Time and Money". I'm just not skilled enough to pull if off, too many reflections in the dryer window - and the lady looking at me strange......
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If they aren't looking at you strangely, you're not trying hard enough.
(Says the man who sits in a dark room and shines flashlights on eggs. Confused my four year old.)
Kat - so happy so chimed it....I depend on your input!! What do you mean my light dimension? You'd really laugh if you saw my rickety light set-up. I told myself "YOU CAN NOT BUY ANY LIGHTING EQUIPMENT UNTIL TO TAKE A PHOTOGRAPHY LIGHTING COURSE!"
I'm glad you like the processing....that's the exact vintage look I was going for. Thanks again Kat.
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You're always making me laugh Mark!
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Thanks for commenting Gina - I really value your input. You are exactly right.....I messed around with the umbrella placement and it looks much better as you suggested! Parallel didn't look right. Thanks again Gina.
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Donna and Chris.....my gosh, you think "ice is ice", but all ice is not created equally! I just bought a bag from the grocery store sight unseen....a big crushed-up mess. I really wanted the circular ice with the circle holes in the center...and I'd be willing to drive anywhere within a ten-mile radius for it! But not I'm thinking that a regular old plastic tray might work.
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Thanks for your assessment....this is exactly the type of info that is helpful. I'd like to say that the angle was purposeful
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I would try the full vertical but just slightly more towards it from the shot you posted would be nice as well so the bottom half would be the solid line and then you have some perspective into the glass keeping the more natural look. I find exact vertical perspectives to have a different feel but it could work as well, since its digitial no reason to try every angle
Hey Whiterice... Sorry if my statement was confusing.. When I said light dimension, I meant that the ice might be really neat to try because it will allow the light to bounce around in the ice...thus, giving the photo some highlight dimensions... I think it would be awesome, plus, add some more character to the photo, however, Jon, made a solid point too, it may take away from the mild creamy look too, so I suggest when you shoot your new composition try both, just in case you don't like it.. I think it will turn out pretty though...
Can't wait to see it.. A very nice work you have going here...
P.S. No ... I would not laugh at your light set-up.. Mine is just as bad.. HA HA... seriously...
And you can enjoy a nice cold drink when you're finished photographing it.