just entered this....

I hope iphone photos count, we went to six flags last night and they had a glow in the dark parade. it was pretty neat! I REALLY REALLY wish i brought my camera, but anyhow I managed to get this from my iphone. I really like this though, lots of shapes in there!

what do you think?

what do you think?
Just goes to prove, it's not the gear that makes the photo.
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I like it,, it is bright and colorful... When I saw it in the gallery, I was wondering what it was,, it never occurred to me it was a float at a parade.
Just curious, do you have any shots of it with the rest of the parade in the frame?
Curious to see what those would look like too...
Neat entry...
Kat- these were really tough to take because it was so dark out, the parade was moving quickly, and an iphone camera?? not the most stable. I really lucked out to get a clear one of my favorite float! The floats weren't close together and where we were sitting was on the other side of a turn so we really got to see like one thing at a time.
The scooby doo one I messed with in lightroom, just to darken the area that wasn't lit up and a little sharpening.
Anyway heres a few more shots, straight from the phone.
no good but as requested
Anyway it was really neat in person!
I must say, you have the strongest entered, yes, but it is too bad ya did not get the entire wheel on that steamboat float #3 , it would have been a strong entry too with all of the squares and that big wheel...
I bet your kiddos and you had a fun time.....
Thanks for sharing...
They are still fun to look at...
Oh well....
Thanks Kat!
Me too!