a "cool" picture from Vegas

i very rarely like my own images, and even though this image could have been way better - i do like what i was able to come up with. I think it's a "cool picture"...... ISO 3200, 20D lens - EF-S 10-22

I hope you don't mind but I played with it a bit to see if perspective cropping would look good on the buildings. I'd be interested to hear your opinion.
WOW and GO BOSTON!!!!!
For a person used to telephoto, you've really done a nice job with the new WA.
http://www.lifekapptured.com (gallery)
i wouldnt know where to begin
- In the crop tool, there's a box that says "perspective". Check that, and then you will be able to drag the corners in separately. So instead of cropping to a rectangle, you can crop to a trapezoid shape. I just dragged the top left corner to the right to match the angle of the left building, then did the same for the top right corner and the angle of the right building. When you execute the crop, it figures it all out and stretches it where it needs to.
It doesn't always work great, but in this case it came out pretty good.
- Other than that, before I cropped it I rotated it a bit to make the "Eiffel Tower" straight.
- After the crop I made a layer copy of the background (ctrl-J), then changed the blending pull-down to "overlay", and played with the layer opacity until I liked the result. I think I ended up with 20% or so. This step makes the image more saturated (I think).
- I cloned out the bright right edge of the "hot air balloon" because I thought it was distracting.
- The only other thing was an unsharp mask filter. I was able to be fairly aggressive with it, so it sharpened up nicely.
That's it. It's a lot to type, and it sounds complicated but it's really simple. It took me 3 or 4 minutes to do. I am not a Photoshop guru by any means, I just like fooling around with it. If you have Photoshop or Paintshop Pro or something similar, you can learn this stuff just by playing with it and reading Dgrin. That's how I learned a few months back.
PS How'd ya like that 17-1 Boston blowout!!
Got a question for you.......... I love that shot.
I've never pushed my camera to 3200, in this shot I see you have lots of really nice bright lighting, did you hand hold the shot? and could you have done the same thing at 1600 ??? just curious to know because I want to do this sort of thing at night soon myself
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin