Hover fly at 4 frames a second (5 shots)
Life of a small hover fly for 1 second.
Hover fly hovers overhead

Circling around for a good approach

Landing gear down

Touch down, the eagle has landed

Heavy crop to see the details

All the best macroholics. :wink
Panasonic FZ10, F/2.8, 1/640th, IS on, full frame, +3 on front.
Hover fly hovers overhead

Circling around for a good approach

Landing gear down

Touch down, the eagle has landed

Heavy crop to see the details

All the best macroholics. :wink
Panasonic FZ10, F/2.8, 1/640th, IS on, full frame, +3 on front.
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Do you get those "within a second" shots by some sort of burst mode or something?
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Shima, yes its a burst shot of 4 frames a second but only up to 6 shots. Thats the most I can squeeze out of the FZ10, but its more than most. I have got another sequence where all 6 turned out fine.
All the best all and thanks again
so good to have you here at dgrin
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Hi Danny,
Strange, I can't see the pictures from work (I really shouldn't be looking from there), but I see them fine from home. Oh well.
Outstanding series. Guess I need to relook at your site again to see the other sets. Always a pleasure because I see something that I overlooked before.
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.