A U2 4 29

"No Line on the Horizon"
I know a girl who's like the sea
I watch her changing every day for me
One day she's still, the next she swells
You can hear the universe in her sea shells
...no line on the horizon...

Any thoughts? Can you tell this is a quiet bay at sunrise with fog obscuring the horizon?
I know a girl who's like the sea
I watch her changing every day for me
One day she's still, the next she swells
You can hear the universe in her sea shells
...no line on the horizon...

Any thoughts? Can you tell this is a quiet bay at sunrise with fog obscuring the horizon?
uosuıɥ ƃǝɹƃ
— Kevin
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Very creative shot and you did well at capturing the title of the song...
I do see the magenta noise as Kevin mentioned. I would try to clean that up, I can't remember if you use PS or Gimp. I think you mentioned that once, but I cannot remember..
Awesome job here, very competitive indeed..
Here is my take on it..
Without a noise reduction plugin, I think your only course of action here is to go with a black and white conversion to eliminate it. This is why.. You could use selective color to pull the magenta out, however, you end up basically de-saturating it to a black and white anyways because there are so many red tones in the browns and tans.
Also, with the amount of noise and blooming here the black and white conversion tool will only pull that out more, so this is how I would go about it..
Go to Image> Adjustments > Photo Filter and make the color of the filter black and then crank the density up all the way. This way you are not further disturbing the pixels.
The other way is to start fresh and obtain the contrast you want without curves. I notice that curves increases the noise of a photo as well as digital blooming when I do it too, so you have to be careful, perhaps try levels instead.
The only other methods are to use a blur layer or PS noise reduction, but I don't think it will be strong enough to fix this problem and using blur is going to cause you to lose your birds out there because they are so small.
One question,, what level of JPEG compression are you using when you save from RAW to JPEG?
The very bottom layer : 100% (of course)
2nd from bottom: 50% (100 * 1/2)
3rd from bottom: 33% (100 * 1/3)
4th from bottom: 25% (100 * 1/4)
the very top one: 20% (100 * 1/5)
This way the noises will average out to a sum that is smaller than the noise in each image. Bottom line is that the opacity of the images going from the bottom layer to the top layer need to follow this sequence:
100 * (1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, ..., 1/n) where n = total number of copies of the original image.
I use noise ninja to reduce noise which does a better job than the method above.
Again, I do not see a glaring noise problem in your image (at least on my monitor).
Good photo!
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
And this is why I can no longer help my boys with their math homework....geez louise
Great photo...perfect title!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Never heard of that method before, interesting.. your so mathematical Allen that your making my head spin..
Mine is calibrated but only with a digital walk through.. I think hers is fully calibrated..
I see all kinds of pink/ magenta banding and digital bloom right below and through the birds out there. Not a ton of it, but I do see some...
So give it time to see what others say, it "may not" be noticeable enough to worry about..
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
I think I see what the others are talking about... not sure though. To me it looks great.
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I am on a 30" wide screen too, so I'm not sure
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
In the one I posted below, I left it SOOC, took it in to PS. Did not see the banding. I think the slight color around the sun glows was still there, but I think that was natural to the shot. I decreased the Vibrancy slider a bit, and lost color. But then decided to go ahead and try it as a B&W. Different feel to it this way.
So, couple of questions. Where did my noise come from in the original? How's it look as B&W?
It's a lovely shot and your song selection fits it to a tee. This is definitely a "color" shot. The B&W kills that morning feel and it does seem to lose some depth. I like what you've done so far but am curious to see what your alternate color versions will look like. :lurk
And I don't see the color noise either. I have to confess a little ignorance using the Noiseware plugin. I generally just use its default settings (Landscape, Default, Night Scene, etc) instead of playing with the actual Color and Noise sliders.
I have PS auto convert and save to non-compressed 16-bit TIFF files. So it shouldn't be a jpeg issue (though I'm not sure what happens to these TIFF files when I upload them to my smugmug gallery, what they're displayed as, what they're delivered as when I "Get the Link" to paste here.
I'll play with the colors this evening.
hmm.. well if so few of us are seeing the color banding perhaps it is not an issue you need to worry about..
I agree it loses something in the Black and White conversion..
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Very well executed, though... I really like the shot!
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My concern about the photo (other then the color noise that I cannot see, and therefore cannot remove) is that I feel like it is more of a literal interpretation of the song title. No line on the horizon --> no line on the horizon. I kinda hoped to do more then just represent the song title. Maybe take a picture that further represents the whole lyric.
Though reading the contest thread, it sounds like the song title is our aim. So I think this will be my entry.
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