Do I have to have a smugmug acct to post flickr pix in a forum?

I accidentally put this on the smugmug support forum, so reposting here. I have some images on flickr that I wanted to post in a forum. Do these have to be linked to a smugmug gallery first in order for any of this to work in dgrin? The flickr posting page seems to imply that one doesn't have to have a smugmug account/gallery to do this (other than the part about needing to edit the gallery options to enable external links).
you do not need to have a smugmug account to post here at dgrin.
in posting an image just copy its web location to the insertion point. see the "stickie" thread at the top of this support forum "How to post a pic..."
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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<a href="" title="20090723-222-Edit by Andrew Bowen, TX, on Flickr"><img src="" width="240" height="160" alt="20090723-222-Edit" /></a>
Then I actually link the picture:
So it that html above my picture just required (by flickr) garbage that isn't supposed to do anything useful in the message? I think that's what threw me. I assumed that snippet should parse into something interesting like an actual link.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
The directions on posting to dgrin are correct, but you need to grab the image itself and you are not doing so.
You're grabbing the wrong linky from flickr. For dgrin and other forums, you need to grab the image; you are grabbing the flickr pages and not the image location URL.
You are attempting to post one of flickr's pages which isn't a link to the image itself. It contains a link to the image. The image URL shows nothing but the image itself.
You are trying to post this onto dgrin.
You need to click on the "addition size button" on that page to get to this this following page
Note: do not use this link either; it's not a link to the photo
Near the bottom of the page, there will be link with the photo URL location. Please read my previous post.
The link to the image looks like this on flickr.
When posted on dgrin and other forums, it looks like this: Flickr links like this are wrong (which you are using).
I hope this helps and welcome to dgrin
/\ that's what happens when linked correctly
I don't know how to link a larger version from Flicker. In SMUGGY you just change the "m" to "L" but that isn't working on this image.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I think I was misreading/understanding the flickr policy and making this much more complicated that it needed to be.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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