#29.... should I enter it?

Hi, I shot this last weekend and when I was processing I thought to myself... this just might work for the challenge...
Possible title:
Angel- Sarah McLachlan (http://www.sarahmclachlan.com/lyrics.jsp?song_id=40)

So whatdoyouthink?
Possible title:
Angel- Sarah McLachlan (http://www.sarahmclachlan.com/lyrics.jsp?song_id=40)

So whatdoyouthink?
I don't know anything about the challenge, but I think it's beautiful!!
- Dr. Seuss
My Smugmug
Are there other bride shots from this shoot you might consider too?
Just some suggestions, however, this shot and the angel song works just fine too..
I have seen some of your work over on the other forums. You do such a beautiful job
Beautiful, as always
Here is another idea:
Angels by Within Temptation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK9qfVQ4Z04&feature=fvw I actually almost like this one more...
And then I had also thought of "Angel of Music" from the Phantom... love that song but it is about a male Angel. (not sure if it matters)
Me too!
Beautiful image, I say go for it
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
My Site, My Book
Beautiful photo and yes, I agree with the last song: "Angels"
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
You should enter it.
But I'm not sure about your watermark.
She really looks like an angel in this shot and I hope her hubby feels the same way.
Thanks everyone!
I'll remove the watermark before I upload it... It gets put on automatically with all uploads to my website... so when I upload to the Challenge it won't have one.
(some people hate the PS flares.... but heck with em)
Good idea... and I had thought about lining it up a bit more with the direction of her gaze.... And yes some people hate them. I think they are rather great for a bit of zing on the cheap!