Dss #29

So I went to the U-Pick again today and guess what song was running through my head the whole time.
They are so TASTY!
Strawberry Fields.







No PP yet. So what do you think? I like the close up of the berries, but I don't know if it fits the song title as well as some of the others.
They are so TASTY!
Strawberry Fields.







No PP yet. So what do you think? I like the close up of the berries, but I don't know if it fits the song title as well as some of the others.
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That's what I mean. But there a lot of weeds visible so not sure you can find a nice patch.
Also I think Kat's idea is good.
I'm glad some body has some ideas. All the songs I like just to hard to translate to image.
Good luck you have a great start.
I may have to switch to Blueberry Hill.
Well, if you decide to not go with Strawberry Fields, at least all that work wasn't in vain!
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I like 1,4,7 - great idea - I am having trouble associating any songs to ideas still - great first challenge to try!
If you have not used the strawberries yet, perhaps spread them all out on the ground randomly, as many as you can and as far out as you can... and get down low, really low to the ground on your stomach and shoot them trailing off into the grass.. That is the only idea I can come up with and would be how I would try to shoot this one.. however, I have no idea what it would end up looking like..:D
I wasn't entirely happy with the results, so I tried
Blueberry Hill - Fats Domino
And I thought that maybe didn't evoke HILL enough. So I tried
Bus Stop - Hollies
And they were OK, but not the strikinig image I was looking for. So I decided to take some shots I liked and try to find songs for them.
Look Through Any Window - Hollies
The Door Into Summer - Monkees
Driftwood - Moody Blues
Beat It - Michael Jackson
Sign of the Times - Petula Clark
Whadaya think? Do any of them pop out at you?
All comments and suggestions appreciated.
I might try to stick with the strawberry fields and add some PP to #8... either what JC3d suggested, or add a vignette so that the strawberries and the front of the field are the focal point. Playing with saturation may or may not be interesting as well, who knows? Best of luck, and bonus points for so many great ideas!
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Maybe I can recruit my son and his girlfriend as models for Bus Stop. That would be an interesting exercise for all of us (camera shy). I keep telling my kids, "Take lots of pictures now. It doesn't get any better." A statement that is true no matter what age you are.
And I'll do a little work on the strawberries, too. My PP skills are seriously lacking, so this may take a while.
Thanks, richtersl! I like the story - the sign, propped up on his leg, with the dog and the pipe passing between them and the marijuana leaf doodad hanging off his pouch. I'll post a B&W version in a bit.
Thanks, Kinkajou! The ideas just keep coming. Now if I can just get the execution down.
BTW, I found a great website for finding song titles: http://www.song1.com/search/default.asp?type=title&strError=Your+Search+for+BLUEBERRIES+Returned+no+results
Good news on the Bus Stop. My son has agreed (enthusiastically) to model with his girlfriend. He is about 80 miles from me, so we will do that this weekend.
I'll play with the Strawberry Fields in the meantime.
can't wait to see the results!
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But let's see what you do with that bus stop shot.
There's plenty of time left to play, play, play!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Is this subtle enough on the vignette?
As far as the reworked strawberries go, it looks good too.. If you have time, you can open that image in PS and crop out 1 strawberry and then transfer it as a layer onto the original photo and them fade it into the rows to speckle them with strawberries. Each time you want to replicate the cropped strawberry just hold down the ALT key and click on it with your mouse and drag it to replicate it and this will start a new layer for the next one. Not sure if your into doing all that, but it would look awesome if you could layer some strawberries into those rows..
I am a Noob at Photoshop. Sounds like fun!