Forum page length
Reading the ever-fascinating WP RIP thread, I was reminded to suggest making the page lengths in the forums maybe 2-3 times longer so the threads wouldn't disappear below the horizon so fast.
Anybody can do it.
Yeah, that.
For example, Landscapes. Right now there are like 18 topics/threads/whatever. Increase the number to maybe 36 or 45. Paging down is easier than clicking the little-tiny numbers (which I rarely do). But anyway, I think having longer pages in the forums would help the few who have mentioned they have to 'bump' their shots for some type of 'critique.'
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I only see an option for posts per page within a thread, not the number of threads in a forum list.
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Let's try 20 on for size. How does that look?
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