Bus Stop and Other Candidates

Anybody home?
Here are the results from the Bus Stop shoot.




Here are my other candidates.
Strawberry Fields Forever. (Sorry Kat, I ran out of time to get the berries in the field)

Sign of the Times - Petula Clark
Here are the results from the Bus Stop shoot.




Here are my other candidates.
Strawberry Fields Forever. (Sorry Kat, I ran out of time to get the berries in the field)

Sign of the Times - Petula Clark

I do like the "Sign of the Times" image though. I think it's the strongest compositionally and tied to the song title 2nd most (the bus stop pics are immediately identifiable as bus stop).
If you do want to go with the "Bus Stop" series, I think #2 tells the most of the story the quickest, but I'd suggest strongly considering "Sign of the Times".
Just my 0.02.
Twitter: @kabbottphoto
It is good to see my judgement confirmed.