where is my photoshop save as jpeg?

I have been using photoshop cs3 for 2 years now and all of a sudden when I went to save a collage I created I don't have a jpeg option to save as? I used the new>photo>custom size 11x14 rgb, white background, 240 resolution, dragged on pictures, merged layers and went to save as...named the file but there is no jpeg option! where could it have gone? I have done this hundreds of time! ugh!!! this all started when I got Lightroom...does that make any sense? Another time it was telling me that the depth of the pictures are different from the depth of the new file.... pictures were not ever in lightroom, edited in adobe raw and photoshop only. Can anyone help with this? :dunno pretty please

Snady :thumb
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you can't save a 16-bit file as a jpg.
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Thanks Andy...it works! but I don't understand why all of a sudden it changed.....I have always done the same thing....... it is soooo frustrating!
It hasn't always done the same thing. You started working with RAW files or upgraded Photoshop or something, to the point that you're working with 16 bit per channel images now and you used to be working with 8 bit per channel images. That's what has changed; no idea how your workflow or Photoshop version changed to modify the defaults... but it did.
BY THE WAY: If you are using this with Lightroom, you simply need to Save from CS3 (vs Save As), since LR is converting to a PSD for Photoshop. The PSD will show in LR, next to your RAW image, and then you can convert to JPG from LR. This is designed to allow you to do advanced editing with CS3, but you finish off you conversions in LR.
Thanks again