no bug macros just girls in bikinis and motorcycles.

amadeusamadeus Registered Users Posts: 2,125 Major grins
edited June 6, 2005 in Holy Macro


  • amadeusamadeus Registered Users Posts: 2,125 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005

  • amadeusamadeus Registered Users Posts: 2,125 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005

  • amadeusamadeus Registered Users Posts: 2,125 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005

  • amadeusamadeus Registered Users Posts: 2,125 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005

  • amadeusamadeus Registered Users Posts: 2,125 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005

  • amadeusamadeus Registered Users Posts: 2,125 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005
    i'm wondering why seven, when one would do it? are you looking for feedback, critique, or are you just sharing for the tittilation factor? i'm all for shots of beautiful women. unfortunately, these shots don't flatter any of these subjects, imo, and that goes for the bikes as well as the women. this isn't jo momma...
  • amadeusamadeus Registered Users Posts: 2,125 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005
    you're right they're terrible shots. I don't know what came over me.
  • MongrelMongrel Registered Users Posts: 622 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005
    I don't get it...
    where's the TV? ne_nau.gif

    Andy certainly has a point, not much going on there...
    If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
  • DoctorItDoctorIt Administrators Posts: 11,952 moderator
    edited June 6, 2005
    Dear Flug,
    you are starting to confuse the heck out of me. i just read this thread on advrider. I'm starting to not know where I am and who I am. If my avatar wasnt' the same in both places, I'd have lost it by now.

    yours truly,
    Since 2004...
  • gsgarygsgary Registered Users Posts: 1,350 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005
    Two of my favourite subjects :Dthumb.gifiloveyou.gif
    amadeus wrote:
  • amadeusamadeus Registered Users Posts: 2,125 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005
    Mongrel wrote:
    where's the TV? ne_nau.gif

    Andy certainly has a point, not much going on there...
    you and andy seem to think alike. get out much?
  • wxwaxwxwax Registered Users Posts: 15,471 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005
    amadeus wrote:
    you and andy seem to think alike. get out much?
    Kindler and gentler, herr amadeus.
    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
  • MongrelMongrel Registered Users Posts: 622 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005
    amadeus wrote:
    you and andy seem to think alike. get out much?

    me=andy think alike? Probably not I would think. Andy lives at a much higher level than I do. No, not much in common Andy and I, well besides photography, a Canon 20D, a wonderful wife and children, Digital Grin, and a certain tripod we both have had our paws on. Besides, he's a blond and I'm a brunette. Oh, and maybe we share a certain critical eye for the *art* of photography? mwink.gif You know, maybe I should take this as a compliment, Andy seems to be doing reaaallll welllll. I wouldn't mind a trip to England now and again.

    "get out much?" Interestingly enough in this case YOU and Andy seem to have a common problem with your keyboards-NO CAPS KEY rolleyes1.gif

    Now let's consider the *deeper* issue (I'm being kind I know), as far as getting out much, I think we need to narrow the definition of 'out' a bit....

    Let's see:

    Out of bed.
    Out of the car.
    Out of the house.
    Out of the closet.
    Out of the money.
    Out of the time.
    Out of air, water, gas?
    Out of smokes :uhoh
    Out of patience...
    Out of tape at Christmas time...
    Out of the TV room.
    Out of ideas maybe?

    You know, I really think you are onto something here-I probably DON'T get out enough! Note to self: SELF call the travel agent! (wait a minute, I don't have a travel agent...Hey, maybe ANDY can give me the number of HIS travel agent!).

    Ok, now that we've played with that for a bit, how about this for a change of pace....

    You post these pretty intrigueing (sp?) TV Land shots with snippets of dialogue which gives the impression that you are a pretty 'artsy' kind of person. Then we get some fairly well excecuted road shots-a "me and my bike out on the open road" kinda feel. Ok so far, I'm diggin your perspective trying to read your head through your work etc. etc. etc.

    Then we get these seven T&A snapshots-kind of a "spring break with BIG B**BS AND CHOPPERS DUDE!!!" expose'. I merely agreed with Andy's basic point that there wasn't much depth there photographically (especially considering your other shots). That's it, no moralizing, no nit-picking, just a basic "yea I agree" kinda thing. Apparently, agreeing with Andy triggered a reaction in you, I'm flattered that you found me worthy of a few keystrokes.

    You as an artist who seems to get off on getting people to react, in this case reacted. And I didn't even have to post a pic :): Seriously, man-no ill will towards 'ya from me.

    Seriously though- you're not gonna track me down and kill me are 'ya :cry ? I don't want to wind up in one of those wierd scary TV shots in your apartment......:uhoh

    Hey Sid, thanks for the kind thoughts, glad I'm not on *your* ignore list thumb.gif
    If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
  • amadeusamadeus Registered Users Posts: 2,125 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005
    Mongrel wrote:

    me=andy think alike? Probably not I would think. Andy lives at a much higher level than I do. No, not much in common Andy and I, well besides photography, a Canon 20D, a wonderful wife and children, Digital Grin, and a certain tripod we both have had our paws on. Besides, he's a blond and I'm a brunette. Oh, and maybe we share a certain critical eye for the *art* of photography? mwink.gif You know, maybe I should take this as a compliment, Andy seems to be doing reaaallll welllll. I wouldn't mind a trip to England now and again.

    "get out much?" Interestingly enough in this case YOU and Andy seem to have a common problem with your keyboards-NO CAPS KEY rolleyes1.gif

    Now let's consider the *deeper* issue (I'm being kind I know), as far as getting out much, I think we need to narrow the definition of 'out' a bit....

    Let's see:

    Out of bed.
    Out of the car.
    Out of the house.
    Out of the closet.
    Out of the money.
    Out of the time.
    Out of air, water, gas?
    Out of smokes :uhoh
    Out of patience...
    Out of tape at Christmas time...
    Out of the TV room.
    Out of ideas maybe?

    You know, I really think you are onto something here-I probably DON'T get out enough! Note to self: SELF call the travel agent! (wait a minute, I don't have a travel agent...Hey, maybe ANDY can give me the number of HIS travel agent!).

    Ok, now that we've played with that for a bit, how about this for a change of pace....

    You post these pretty intrigueing (sp?) TV Land shots with snippets of dialogue which gives the impression that you are a pretty 'artsy' kind of person. Then we get some fairly well excecuted road shots-a "me and my bike out on the open road" kinda feel. Ok so far, I'm diggin your perspective trying to read your head through your work etc. etc. etc.

    Then we get these seven T&A snapshots-kind of a "spring break with BIG B**BS AND CHOPPERS DUDE!!!" expose'. I merely agreed with Andy's basic point that there wasn't much depth there photographically (especially considering your other shots). That's it, no moralizing, no nit-picking, just a basic "yea I agree" kinda thing. Apparently, agreeing with Andy triggered a reaction in you, I'm flattered that you found me worthy of a few keystrokes.

    You as an artist who seems to get off on getting people to react, in this case reacted. And I didn't even have to post a pic :):

    Seriously, man-no ill will towards 'ya from me.

    Hey Sid, thanks for the kind thoughts, glad I'm not on *your* ignore list thumb.gif
    agreed. with what I'm not sure but I agree. mark my words, or maybe its been said before. the digital camera will and already has changed photography in a big way. for the better. lets keep in mind the name of the site.

    digital grin.

    heck I thought they were great pictures. I purposely avoided miss silicone because it doesn't catch my eye. the bottom line on any photograph, digital or otherwise. is that for that split second in time from that len's perspective, the trigger was pulled. grip it an rip it. it was really just another bikini bikewash at just another Harley shop, but photographically speaking not every picture needs complex photographic depth. if you, me or even Rabia likes bikes and babes, I think you'll get your fill from those pictures. not quite the bees knees but to each his own. its a digital picture shot on auto and I'll stand by any one of those girls when it comes to cleanliness. glad you liked the TV shots, get used to them because I can't seem to stop. you take all of those great images from our past, most of them come from a cathode ray tube, why not use it as another color in the pallette thinks I.

    I'll behave, I like the clean air and still waters here. Trust me scantily clad wimmin as photosubjects are few and far between for me. which means I have to use my imagination sometimes as I get bored.

    you should get out more, when your 20 a year is 1/20th. when your 50 a year is 1/50th. they get smaller. sometimes smaller is better. just look at the one in white.
  • wxwaxwxwax Registered Users Posts: 15,471 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005
    amadeus wrote:
    glad you liked the TV shots, get used to them because I can't seem to stop.

    amadeus wrote:

    I'll behave, I like the clean air and still waters here. Trust me scantily clad wimmin as photosubjects are few and far between for me. which means I have to use my imagination sometimes as I get bored.

    clap.gif And your imagination goes to some fascinating places. nod.gif
    amadeus wrote:
    you should get out more, when your 20 a year is 1/20th. when your 50 a year is 1/50th. they get smaller. sometimes smaller is better. just look at the one in white.
    So true, so true. Life just freakin' flashes by.
    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
  • david_hdavid_h Registered Users Posts: 463 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2005
    Hey Amadeus, I always check out your posts because they are always really creative and different. I agree with you that digital is changing photography which I personally think is a great thing.

    But let's face it, pictures of bimbos are two a penny and I'm sure you are fully aware that these pictures are nowhere near as interesting and artistic as most of the photographs you post here.

    At least post Ms. Silicone next time thumb.gif
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