DSS #32 - Flowers and TV
Here are quick test runs of two ideas I have. I want to get some feedback if you guys like either of them. They are both a bit rough, but I didn't want to take either one too far unless I got a good response.
1) Ahhhhh!!!
The flowers POV of being watered.

2) 'Center of Attention'
The TV's POV

Does the 'looking out of the TV' effect work for you, or is it too annoying / hurt the eyes?
1) Ahhhhh!!!
The flowers POV of being watered.

2) 'Center of Attention'
The TV's POV

Does the 'looking out of the TV' effect work for you, or is it too annoying / hurt the eyes?
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My wife said the same thing, why aren't you under the flowers. Doh! I was, really
I think what would tie it together would be flowers coming into the scene from the top of the shot. To me, it looks like you're under but beside the flowers.
It's a great shot though. I like it.
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As for the shrek one....this is a really interesting concept. I think it would help make the forground (big)shrek fit into the image better if the kids eyes were looking directly into the lens? Also my mind is having a hard time connecting whether the background smaller shrek is a reflection off a mirror? If that was supposidly the case then wouldn't it be opposite of the one looking out of the tv? I might have it all confused...but I wonder if leaving the smaller shrek out of it, as its confusing which is the tv. Also the trees on the sides should extend to the bottom of the frame (again I am assuming they are part of being inside the tv looking out. Not behind the couch).
The way the flowers just look wrong is killing me since it really is a single unaltered shot from a camera lying on the ground under he flowers. Too funny. (But depressing...)
The smaller Shrek IS supposed to be the reflection in the big window behind the couch. I placed it there in post processing so I wouldn't have to worry about getting it just right in the shot, too much going on. Yes, you are right, I meant to flip it backwards and forgot. The trees on either side are the crazy wallpaper in that room, they should obviously get 'removed' to declutter and avoid confusion.
So I'm wondering if either of these could be really good with a little more work, or if there are basic issues that make it an interesting concept but unlikely to work out well.
Thanks again for your thoughts.
my biggest disconnect was the arm holding the watering can...
the hand/arm stance is unnatural...