Canon Digital Rebel would it be worth it?

They have them at the local bx and was wondering if it is worth the $550 for it.
Would I get similar to profesional quality, because I'm tired of the quality I'm getting with my point and shoot. I am after a good camera to get into the slr family with out breaking the bank and I want good quality pictures.
Thank you for your time.
Would I get similar to profesional quality, because I'm tired of the quality I'm getting with my point and shoot. I am after a good camera to get into the slr family with out breaking the bank and I want good quality pictures.
Thank you for your time.
I took the plunge back in September and I never looked back. 30 years ago I bought a Minolta SRT-101 and wasn't able to come to terms with digital photography until I finally went SRT with the Rebel. I've since bought several other lenses--a very flexible camera. Good luck with your decision.
I just press the button and the camera goes CLICK. :dunno
Canon: gripped 20d and 30d, 10-22 3.5-4.5, 17-55 IS, 50mm f1.8, 70-200L IS, 85mm f1.8, 420ex
sigma: 10-20 4-5.6 (for sale), 24-70 2.8 (for sale), 120-300 2.8
Live life to its fullest you never know whats in your future.
There's no comparison between DSLR and P&S. It's a major step up. But be warned, it's also a major step up in money. It's not just the body. The lenses will cost you hundreds, thousands of dollars, easy. There's the flash. Good tripod. Backpack. It's really a bottomless pit of money sucking equipment lust. Be sure that you're ready to open Pandora's box.
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BTW is the lens that it comes with any good?
Thanks for your times and comments.
(sorry for any miss spelling.)
Live life to its fullest you never know whats in your future.
The kit lens has a useful range for "general" photography --- encompassing a bit wide on one end and bit tele on the other. Its quality is sufficient to learn the ins and outs of the camera, at least as an introduction.
But the kit lens isn't going to really permit pictures that can take your photography to the next level. If you already know you'll likely be buying more or better lenses in the relatively near future (which is the whole point of an SLR), save the $100 by skipping the kit lens and get instead something better.
What's better? Something that is either faster or sharper or both. A good camera shop should be able to guide you here.
Two examples: Tamron has a 28-75mm (not as wide but longer than the kit lens) zoom that has garnered almost universal praise for pro-level optics (although some have complained about getting "poor" quality copy) and it has a constant maximum available aperture of f/2.8.
Street price is like $370 after rebate or so currently.
Canon has a "normal" 50mm f/1.4 (not a zoom lens, but don't freak out! You can still "zoom" with your feet!) for about $70 with superior optics but spartan features and build quality. Note the f/1/4 --- that's fast enough to often permit shooting indoors without flash ...
Many of us here and elsewhere bought the original D-Reb for over $800 and thought that was a *steal*. If you can get one for $550 new in box (or even and open box-with all the 'stuff'), go for it.
It's still a very viable camera as far as image quality, and easily surpasses even the most advanced P&S you can buy today-imho-for adaptability and image quality. It's not as advanced as say the Nikon D70 or the new D-Reb XT, BUT, you won't get either of them for $550! Remember, DSLRs are a different beast, but once you get the hang of how to tame one, WOW!
As pointed out, the lenses will set you back (and you *will* get them
take care...
I will probly get it and learn what I can do with it.
Thanks again for your time and help.
Live life to its fullest you never know whats in your future.
I am brand new here, lurking for a few weeks. So here I take the plunge.
I currently use a Canon A80 point and shoot, and am taking media arts classes at local college. I am also interested in moving up. The new digital Rebel xt and Canon 20D are what I have been looking at. Both are 8 megapixels, just the Rebel xt is one good lens cheaper. I realize it has mirrors instead of a pentaprism, but in checking them out at the local Big Box store, I personally like the feel of the new Rebel. It would also better fit my needs as a packable DSLR in my motorycle luggage, which is a plus.