Image Pharting

Someone on another forum coined the term Pharts for pics that have been severely got at in photoshop (ie photoshop Art). So the process of doing this is called Pharting. I suspect images of this type have already been shown here, but how about posting some of your efforts.
Here's a few of mine.
The first couple are taken of a galileo thermometer in strong sunlight- the first one taken purposely completely out of focus. Last one is just a flower that has been got at. All with my 105mm macro lens.

Here's a few of mine.
The first couple are taken of a galileo thermometer in strong sunlight- the first one taken purposely completely out of focus. Last one is just a flower that has been got at. All with my 105mm macro lens.

TML Photography
I liked #2 as well- thought it looked like a dali-ish sea scape- but sometimes my imagination runs away with me.
It looks more like a drawing than a photo, nice effect. Recognizable, yet not quite.
Me like
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
Come on someone else must have done this to some of their pics!
Here's another one I've just done saving another failed flash shot. Coloured etching style (itching style?)
Said the spider to the flies
The power of the mighty ant
Anyway, nice work up there Brian, especially the fly, but then I'm a fly nut.
All the best Brian and just keep those flies coming, you are one heck of a macro shooter.
TML Photography
Often think salvaged shots look better than normal shots because of the odd lighting etc you get.
Brian V.
Excellent effects you have in this. Its very high key and thats always tough to hold, here its done really well. The colours have been well saturated and yet still work. The best thing of all, is the concentrated stare from those fixed eyes. Thats a magic look, a learning look,ya just can't beat it. The face tells a story in this one Thomas.
TML Photography
Here's one I did tonight
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso