Spaced Eye Macro composite
Had too much fun and aggravation with this:rolleyes.

Thanks for looking at me looking at you,

Thanks for looking at me looking at you,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
Sheesh, some one eyed people, I don't know. Man, no wonder you need auto focus Chris.
Hey, cool shot and idea. Well done and looks great, but also spooky
Thanks for the reply. It's a little big to fit into my head, but just a little. Originally, I was just going to post the eye pix, then it evolved onto this. I wasn't going for spooky, but guess my photos have been a little dark lately. Just exploring a creative side I guess. I played with this right after PP another dark gun shot, so maybe that influenced this pix.
After looking at it at work today, I see the left side is a bit soft
Keep Shooting,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
I've taken my site sig off for awhile. Still moving and setting it up to a new server, so it might be working one minute and not the next, thought it might be better to set up the new server first
All the best Chris, nicely done with this look.