
A Handfull!!!

jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
edited October 9, 2009 in People



This is hardly my niche, but I enjoyed the shoot none the less.


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    RBrogenRBrogen Registered Users Posts: 1,518 Major grins
    edited September 28, 2009
    BRAVO! I love #2 ... Great job Jeff!clap.gif
    Randy Brogen, CPP

    Member: PPA , PPANE, PPAM & NAPP
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    Scott_QuierScott_Quier Registered Users Posts: 6,524 Major grins
    edited September 28, 2009
    RBrogen wrote:
    BRAVO! I love #2 ... Great job Jeff!clap.gif
    15524779-Ti.gif - The lines just seem to work so very nicely!

    Oh, and nice to see you around abit. Hope things are going OK.
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    jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
    edited September 28, 2009
    RBrogen wrote:
    BRAVO! I love #2 ... Great job Jeff!clap.gif

    Thanks Randy!
    The second was my favorite from the two hour shoot.
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    jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
    edited September 28, 2009
    15524779-Ti.gif - The lines just seem to work so very nicely!

    Oh, and nice to see you around abit. Hope things are going OK.

    And all is well. I'm on roughly six weeks working seven twelve hour shifts per week...nightshirts... And ought to be sleeping but all is well. No end in sight though. I liked those lines as well.
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    HaliteHalite Registered Users Posts: 467 Major grins
    edited September 28, 2009
    #2 is really beautiful. The gentle side lighting brings out some wonderful textures in the mature vs newborn skin. I really like how the limbs intertwine and form all kinds of soft repeated triangles. Thanks for sharing your work.
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    kdspencerkdspencer Registered Users Posts: 112 Major grins
    edited September 28, 2009
    Hi Jeff, nice to have you back! Great photos of a cute baby.

    I may be the only one, but it feels strange to have the father's nipple in photo #2. It seems distracting... but that's just my opinion.

    However, I do like the lighting.

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    AgnieszkaAgnieszka Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,263 Major grins
    edited September 28, 2009
    Adorable. And I agree, #2 is my favorite too. What a shot!! iloveyou.gif

    Nice to see you around!
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    angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited September 28, 2009
    Tiny cool awesomeness!thumb.gif
    tom wise
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    sweet carolinesweet caroline Registered Users Posts: 1,589 Major grins
    edited September 28, 2009
    Love them!
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    ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited September 29, 2009
    Ooooh, love them! Especially #2! clap.gif
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    kidzmomkidzmom Registered Users Posts: 828 Major grins
    edited September 29, 2009
    SO SO beautiful! Those are absolutely stunning. GREAT WORK, I'm very impressed! My kids were NEVER that small...wow, what a very TINY baby, or what a huge hands Dad has! I love those :)
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    Dave CleeDave Clee Registered Users Posts: 536 Major grins
    edited September 29, 2009
    These are both great photos.


    Still searching for the light...


    Nikon D3 and a bunch of nikkor gear
    that has added up over the years :wink
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    ElaineElaine Registered Users Posts: 3,532 Major grins
    edited September 29, 2009
    Hi Jeff! Nice to see you posting! Hope you're getting some chances to breathe these days!
    Love the conversions, as usual. Baby looks so tiny and comfy in daddy's arms. I really like #2, but I agree with Kathleen that the nipple is a bit odd somehow. Maybe it's just that I've not seen many baby shots with that particular composition? It is always nice to see something different. And that is one cute baby, for sure!

    Comments and constructive critique always welcome!

    Elaine Heasley Photography
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    Dancer72Dancer72 Registered Users Posts: 90 Big grins
    edited September 29, 2009
    jeffreaux2 wrote:

    This is hardly my niche, but I enjoyed the shoot none the less.

    For not being your niche, I think you did a wonderful job on these shots. I love the contrast between the smallness of the baby and dad's grown-up hands. Also love the contrast and levels in the b&w (one of the areas I've been working on recently). Must admit I wasn't a big fan of the nipple in #2; it drew my attention away from the baby...but after looking at the shots together with my husband (also a Dgrinner) his humble opinion was I was getting distracted cause I was checkin' out the dad's chest! rolleyes1.gif

    Great captures...thanks for sharing them!
    Caroline Brogen

    Member: PPA, PPAM
    Gallery: http://photos.brogen.com/Public-Gallery/Carolines-Gallery
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    jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2009
    Halite wrote:
    #2 is really beautiful. The gentle side lighting brings out some wonderful textures in the mature vs newborn skin. I really like how the limbs intertwine and form all kinds of soft repeated triangles. Thanks for sharing your work.

    Thank you for the kind comments.:D

    The lighting was a single 580EX speedlight bounced out of a 45 inch white convertable umbrella.
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    jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2009
    Agnieszka wrote:
    Adorable. And I agree, #2 is my favorite too. What a shot!! iloveyou.gif

    Nice to see you around!

    Hey Ag

    Thanks for looking......I am seeing now how everyone felt when I changed my avitar!

    Can't quite get used to yours yet.....but it looks great.
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    jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2009
    kidzmom wrote:
    SO SO beautiful! Those are absolutely stunning. GREAT WORK, I'm very impressed! My kids were NEVER that small...wow, what a very TINY baby, or what a huge hands Dad has! I love those :)

    I think she said 5-ish pounds.....and we were about 5 days old when I shot these.

    I was scared to death everytime I moved her around. She felt so fragile....and light as a feather.

    Thanks for looking!thumb.gif
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    jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2009
    Elaine wrote:
    Hi Jeff! Nice to see you posting! Hope you're getting some chances to breathe these days!
    Love the conversions, as usual. Baby looks so tiny and comfy in daddy's arms. I really like #2, but I agree with Kathleen that the nipple is a bit odd somehow. Maybe it's just that I've not seen many baby shots with that particular composition? It is always nice to see something different. And that is one cute baby, for sure!

    Well...I am off today....and tommorrow.....but then it's back to the grind for a couple weeks straight.

    I have been turning away a good bit of camera work, but I am definately gonna try to squezze in a high school senior next week. Im scouting the location tommorrow. I also have a bridal set I need to get shot.

    ...and of course...I wanna get back to finishing up my daughter's senior portfolio!

    As for these photos....

    She was definately tiny. I was a little concerned about you gals fretting over Dad's chest, but really...it is what it is. It would be more distracting if it were cloned out...rolleyes1.gif ......and honestly.....if you take into account my client's (MOm'S) point of view....well...there is much here that she loves about the photograph. Think about that maybe......?

    In any event, when the opportunity again arises, I may try a slightly different framing to allow for different crop options that would eliminate that issue. It can be done!

    I nearly got it done here with the square crop for the announcment cards....


    You take care Elaine. Sure do miss hangin out with you guys!
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    jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2009
    Dancer72 wrote:
    For not being your niche, I think you did a wonderful job on these shots. I love the contrast between the smallness of the baby and dad's grown-up hands. Also love the contrast and levels in the b&w (one of the areas I've been working on recently). Must admit I wasn't a big fan of the nipple in #2; it drew my attention away from the baby...but after looking at the shots together with my husband (also a Dgrinner) his humble opinion was I was getting distracted cause I was checkin' out the dad's chest! rolleyes1.gif

    Great captures...thanks for sharing them!

    I was thinking all along that it could well be a majority of female viewers found it distracting and that the guys would just sorta write it off. Either way.....it's a done deal. Read my replay to Elaine for an even different perspective.


    WELCOME to Dgrin!!!:D
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    divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2009
    Jeff, it's so nice to see you around. I kind of worried when you vanished and hoped that you weren't gone forever (even though Heather did spread the word you were simply swamped!)

    Can't really add to anything that's been said so far except to say.... love the 2nd one. The contrasts are just beautiful.
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    jeffreaux2jeffreaux2 Registered Users Posts: 4,762 Major grins
    edited September 30, 2009
    divamum wrote:
    Jeff, it's so nice to see you around. I kind of worried when you vanished and hoped that you weren't gone forever (even though Heather did spread the word you were simply swamped!)

    Can't really add to anything that's been said so far except to say.... love the 2nd one. The contrasts are just beautiful.

    I suppose Im a lucky guy to have some of the most creative photographers on the planet to worry about me.mwink.gif

    I'm fine really.....really only a little run down.....groggy.....frazzled....but none the worse for wear. The long stretches of 7 day shift work.....well night shift work....can grind on a guy. Especially if the guy is my age!....but....really....in this economy....who can complain about THAT problem?ne_nau.gif

    I did sorta hate to have to give back the wicked pimped-out "moderator's" keyboard. Felt as if I were letting folks down.....but the real truth is that it woulda been a let down to not give things the attention they deserve. It was just a REALLY bad coincidence of timing.....and I sure didn't see it coming!eek7.gif

    Thanks for the compliments on #2.

    It was one of those shots where ya know it's gonna be sweet even before you pull the trigger. There were other keepers.....but that one pretty much shamed them all!

    ...and boy ol boy did I want something fierce to have had my macro lens back for this shoot!

    Might have to get the new 100mmIS Macro....eh?rolleyes1.gif
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    DavidSDavidS Registered Users Posts: 1,279 Major grins
    edited October 9, 2009
    Awesome! I love the second one.
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