dgrin timeout

I seem to be getting timed-out from dgrin on a regular basis before being able to complete posts, new threads and the whatnot. Granted, I'm not the most expedient poster, but hey, a little respect here! Maybe dgrin is trying to tell me something, no?
Anywho, is there anyway to user-change the time-out window for dgrin, or do I just need to write faster?
I seem to be getting timed-out from dgrin on a regular basis before being able to complete posts, new threads and the whatnot. Granted, I'm not the most expedient poster, but hey, a little respect here! Maybe dgrin is trying to tell me something, no?
Anywho, is there anyway to user-change the time-out window for dgrin, or do I just need to write faster?
I'm not aware of any timeout settings myself. Sorry.
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Is there any chance yu could get a screen capture of the message or a photo of it to help Andy and Ian understand exactly what is happening???
There is no message Art. He's just timing out.
Steve have you checked your browser settings to see if it a local issue? example: http://support.mozilla.com/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?style_mode=inproduct&locale=en-US&comments_parentId=251136&forumId=1&s=timeout
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I don't think it's a FF thing - not a page timeout, per se, but the app is kicking me out.
I'll be composing a lengthy post and when I hit the "Preview" or "Submit" button, dgrin gives a message screen like the one attached (how are you supposed paste an image into a post, anyhow?).
-- sc
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After you're happy with what you've typed in Notepad, undo word-wrap, select all, copy, and then paste it into the box you use to post to DG. Be sure that the box you're pasting into has the white background, not grey.
Worked for me on a big post I did for a ride report. Doesn't solve your timeout issue, but it's a workaround.
Good luck!
Nope, sorry; cookies enabled on FF. Thanks for the idea, though.
I reckon that's life in dgrinville.
Crap! I just got timed-out!! (Only kidding!!! :giggle)
-- sc
Sometime in the past i was also timing out and did get a error message of sort that said my session had timed out or ended due to inactivity and that I needed to sign back in....,,and ......so ......I thought .......just maybe......he was getting one of those also.............. Mine stopped abruptly and mysteriously.........
Then I let it just sit open in my browser (FF 3.5.3)...
I finished it at 10:46pm local time
Elapsed time: 2hr 22min
Since this post is a part of this thread, I didn't have the timeout issue experienced by LateSky.
Hmmm...by chance, do you have more than one tab with Dgrin in FF? I have sometimes gotten this message when clicking on a link opens a new tab in which I am not logged in. Not sure why that happens as it doesn't seem to happen all the time.
Nope, only one open tab. Sorry.
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The above happens due to the way cookies are handled here.
If you log in via www.dgrin.com, then all links that start with http://www.dgrin.com will show you as logged in (www.dgrin.com is the domain that the cookie is created for).
If you log in via dgrin.com (no "www"), then all links that start http://dgrin.com will show you as logged in (dgrin.com is the domain that the cookie is created for).
If you are logged in via www.dgrin.com and you select a link that starts as http://dgrin.com (i.e. a link created by someone who had logged in via http://dgin.com), the login page will appear.
I suppose a workaround for this would be to login twice, once via http://www.dgrin.com and once via http://dgrin.com and check the "remember me" box for both....
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- Most (all?) web application sessions have what is called a time-out value, the number of minutes allowed between requests before a user's session is deemed by the server to be abandonded.
- If a session is abandonded, it would fair for the server to assume that the user has been logged out
If the above is true, the question the comes down to how does one easily restart that timer? Simple, periodically during the process of typing the post, simply click on the "Preview Post" button. This will cause a round-trip (request/response transaction) between the user's browser and the DGrin server. Do this every 10 minutes or so and you should be golden. It's a lot like the old-school practice of clicking the save button in applications (like MS Word, for example) to protect yourself from power fluctuations, computer crashes, etc.My Photos
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I'm still interested in knowing what happens if the user tries a different browser.
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Me thinks somethings afoot here matey...
I've been logged in to dgrin with IE and FF for over 90 minutes now and no time-out.
Did a dgrin administrator tweak with the time-out settings or such?
Otherwise, the time-out that I was experiencing may have something to do with how I have the settings for my browsers configured and the way I manage the open browser instances on my desktop.
I'm an admitted cookie-phobe. I have my browsers configured as best I can to clear out everything browser-related - cache, cookies, history, whatever - when the browser closes.
It seems that by design, a newly-opened browser instance will inherit or share cookies from an already active (open/running) sibling instance - eg, FF to FF or IE to IE - and visa versa (I'm not a software engineer or professional progammer, so please excuse me if I may not have the lingo just right : ).
Now, it's possible that in the course of creating one of my longer dgrin rants (such as this one), that I may open and/or close a sibling instance or two of the browser type that I'm using to compose my post.
Is it possible that having my browsers configured to expunge cookies on closure the way I do, and the possibility of arbitrarily closing related sibling instances when logged on to dgrin have anything to do with the time-out issue being discussed?
Is this making any sense???????..........
-- sc
Yeah, it does. I'm not sure how you've set it up exactly or how your browser handles this exactly, but if you have an automated way of removing cookies this might very well account for your 'logged out' experiences.
If you are logged in, have two dgrin windows/tabs open and closing one means that your browser clears your cookies**, it means that your other window is also 'logged out' even though that your other page still shows logged in, but that is just because you haven't refreshed your page.
** = or any action that clears your cookies, really
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Thanks Ivar.
On a different subject, has anyone tried Google Chrome? Noticeably faster page/photo loads than even FF, it seems; "blazing" may be a more accurate description.
I've notice a peculiarity with some of my custom Smugmug HTML in Chrome and have started a related tread on dgrin. Please check it and chime in if you'd care to:
-- sc
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