Dgrin doesn't like SM avatars?

Went to change my avatar, but even with a link to a SM "tiny" image I keep getting "invalid url".
I'm now faceless since I tried to clear it by selecting "no avatar", but can't get any others to load!
Went to change my avatar, but even with a link to a SM "tiny" image I keep getting "invalid url".
I'm now faceless since I tried to clear it by selecting "no avatar", but can't get any others to load!
facebook | photo site |
Avatars get uploaded not linked - and they need to be 80x80.
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Will do but... I know I've linked them in the past
Sorry to have pestered y'all with old news :hide :tiptoe Thanks for the help!
It now says the file size is too big. BUT.... the image is actually fewer kb than the 80x80 crop I successfully used in last night's upload!
Obviously it's no big deal (avatars are pretty far down the priority chain of life!), but ... it's definitely inconsistent in its preferences. FWIW.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Tx Ivar - I must have been lucky in the past, because it always worked w/a alink, no problem. Now I know it's not me doing something wrong but The System, I can use the workarounds as needed. Thanks for the reply