Oh Happy Day

I have been treated by my better half to a new digital camera:D:D
He went out to buy "a few groceries" and returned with a Fuji FinePix s5500:D:D
I feel like a kid on Christmas. I love it. I can now chuck my finecky, terrible point and shoot camera in the drawer forever!!
I still work mostly on film (yes call me old fashioned but I love developing my own B+W film and prints), but this little baby has kept me occupiead all day. I have photography assignments to work and I haven't even looked in the direction of my EOS30 all day:rofl
Just thought I'd share my good news and recommened it to anyone who doesnt want a dslr but is ready for for more advanced functions.:D:D:lust
He went out to buy "a few groceries" and returned with a Fuji FinePix s5500:D:D
I feel like a kid on Christmas. I love it. I can now chuck my finecky, terrible point and shoot camera in the drawer forever!!
I still work mostly on film (yes call me old fashioned but I love developing my own B+W film and prints), but this little baby has kept me occupiead all day. I have photography assignments to work and I haven't even looked in the direction of my EOS30 all day:rofl
Just thought I'd share my good news and recommened it to anyone who doesnt want a dslr but is ready for for more advanced functions.:D:D:lust
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
The obsession begins ...
Congrats on the new toy