DSS #37 - C&C Please :)

I'd been meaning to do some very honest self-portraits, so I thought this would be a good opportunity.


3. I know the focus is in the wrong spot on this one, but for some reason I think it almost works...?

Thanks very much


3. I know the focus is in the wrong spot on this one, but for some reason I think it almost works...?

Thanks very much

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Nelson Lehner
Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
There has been a lot of going back and forth about what constitutes filling the frame--and this one is one of those that leaves me asking "does it fill the frame enough"--
But I like it so much I almost don't care:D .
I have a version of #3 that's a tiny bit softer, so maybe I'll post that later tonight as well as a BW conversion. I liked the cool morning light and the tones it created in the image, but definitely worth a look as BW.
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I would like to see this in B&W also... however I reserve the right to still like the original...:D
In my ignorance of portrait work #1 does not work for me. I like angles...
and being flush with the sensor plain seems wrong... but what the heck do I know...
#2 draws me in...
I like your WB choice, and your DOF looks really good...
but #3 (imo) really invokes a connection, and sets a portrayal of something, whatever the result, it allows the viewer to conclude from your expression.
Gorgeous Subject, and IMO #3 fills the frame enough to qualify, because its a mood that fills the frame.... my "far out there thinking" always gets me in trouble with the theme hardliners here... but, fwiw Im pretty sure this will make my list of favs.
I've tweaked the original version's colors just a tiny bit, and here it is with the BW version:
3 - tweaked color
3 - BW
I think I prefer the color... the color of the lips, tone of the skin and cool background light seem to play well together. Glad I tried the BW, though.
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Thanks, folks!
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Hope you don't mind, thought I would play a little with your shots. Color and B/W...I liked 3 but thought 2 would work better. I am going to assume you are ok with this otherwise pm me and I will delete them.
It's fine with me
I think I will go through and do some conversions on the other handful of shots in that gallery as well
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FYI, I liked her original as well, not even considering that she might feel or want to change anything. I was more or less practicing with a great subject. C & C was not meant for kinkajou on my post processing. I always find it interesting to see how others interpret or adjust my photos...just pushes new doors open sometimes.
I actually like your current entry too
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A great subject
If you only knew how un-photogenic I really am... I make sooooo many incredibly weird faces that are only captured in photographs
But sure, practice away! I have no objections to that
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