Dgrin RSS Feeds

RSS FEED: you can't get a feed for a thread, but you can have a feed for the SmugMug Support Forums (or any forum, really).
RSS, All Support Forums:
RSS, sepcific forum (SmugMug ProSales Support):
RSS, sepcific forum (SmugMug Customization):
RSS, sepcific forum (SmugMug Apis Hacks & Tricks):
RSS, ALL OF DGRIN: http://www.dgrin.com/external.php?type=RSS
RSS, All Support Forums:
RSS, sepcific forum (SmugMug ProSales Support):
RSS, sepcific forum (SmugMug Customization):
RSS, sepcific forum (SmugMug Apis Hacks & Tricks):
RSS, ALL OF DGRIN: http://www.dgrin.com/external.php?type=RSS
OK...tried clicking on the "All Support Forums" RSS link above...got an error message (see attached screen shot).
Try it in Firefox, it works beautifully.
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I'm not sure why IE wouldn't be smart enough, but my suggestion would be to use Firefox
Google Reader works great in any browser, or there are a bunch of stand-alone readers (SharpReader and FeedDaemon come to mind, given that you appear to be on a Windows system. NetNewsWire for the Mac crowd.)
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
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Hey Andy, would it be possible to get a feed for http://dgrin.com/subscription.php?
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
one explanation... http://vowe.net/archives/007858.html#c025105
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
Thanks for trying to learn me sumpin' !!! it may get lost in translation, though, non-techie that I am.
My head is feels like it's going to explode!...too much info for an aging brain. I'm guessing installing and learning how to use Firefox is probably pretty straightforward...but I'm locked into IE anyway because one of my business's web-based databases was built specifically to be IE compatible (no word as to whether it's compatible with Firefox or not).
For example, I use a parsed script for Yahoo news feed.
I would love to be able to see postings right on the desktop!
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy