
Fire Alarms at 2am

Jeremy WinterbergJeremy Winterberg Registered Users Posts: 1,233 Major grins
edited December 1, 2009 in The Big Picture
Well, I'm upset... I'm sitting in the lobby of my dorm.... working on a 12 page paper thats due tomorrow... and guess what... someone decided to make popcorn and it decided to start smoking and set off the alarms! 200+ guys run outside in pretty much just their underwear in 40 degree weather...

Sooo dumb. this happened 10 minutes ago. I'm gonna be up all night if anyone wants to talk. haha.

Any experiences like this when you were in college?



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    lizzard_nyclizzard_nyc Registered Users Posts: 4,056 Major grins
    edited November 23, 2009
    Well, I'm upset... I'm sitting in the lobby of my dorm.... working on a 12 page paper thats due tomorrow... and guess what... someone decided to make popcorn and it decided to start smoking and set off the alarms! 200+ guys run outside in pretty much just their underwear in 40 degree weather...

    Sooo dumb. this happened 10 minutes ago. I'm gonna be up all night if anyone wants to talk. haha.

    Any experiences like this when you were in college?


    Thankfully I was snoozing at 2:00 a.m.--
    My memories of college involved too much Nodoz--
    Lived in an apt during college and I have no memories of 200+ guys in their underwear running around outside in the cold--pretty sure I'd remember that.

    Hope you finished your paper--it usually works out--you might look and feel like hell today, but I'm fairly certain you finished what you had to do.
    Liz A.
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    Jeremy WinterbergJeremy Winterberg Registered Users Posts: 1,233 Major grins
    edited November 23, 2009
    Thankfully I was snoozing at 2:00 a.m.--
    My memories of college involved too much Nodoz--
    Lived in an apt during college and I have no memories of 200+ guys in their underwear running around outside in the cold--pretty sure I'd remember that.

    Hope you finished your paper--it usually works out--you might look and feel like hell today, but I'm fairly certain you finished what you had to do.
    Yeah, I took 4 extra strength NoDose pills last night... didn't finish the paper though ne_nau.gif I have till 5pm tonight to get it done though, so I should be fine.
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    RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited November 24, 2009
    Me: studying more boundary layer theory - final exam in two days. It is 2am. Not loving it at all.

    Sister: interior design major @ big party and calling me to come get her as she is too inebriated to get home.

    I disliked fluids/fluid mechanics. I still cringe when hearing the name Bernoulli.
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    tijosephtijoseph Registered Users Posts: 187 Major grins
    edited November 24, 2009
    Kind of
    Well, not a college story, but many years ago I began managing a restaurant in Cleveland OH. It was my first solo weekend, and that particular evening, someone decided they didn't want to pay the bill. They though the best way to get out of it was to spray pepper spray in the restaurant. If you have ever been around it, it goes everywhere. I was near the kitcehn at the time a a server told me that everyone was coughing for some reason. I turned around to loo and saw everyone in my restaurant leaving and going outside, of course hacking and coughing. Nest thing I know I've got all my customers in the parking lot, the fire department, and all on my first weekend! What a night!
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    moose135moose135 Registered Users Posts: 1,419 Major grins
    edited November 29, 2009
    I lived at home during college, so no dorm stories, but Mom set off the smoke detector every now and then fixing dinner. :D
    RogersDA wrote:
    I disliked fluids/fluid mechanics. I still cringe when hearing the name Bernoulli.
    I was an aerospace engineering major and a pilot - Bernoulli is my hero! rolleyes1.gif
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    RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited November 30, 2009
    moose135 wrote:
    I lived at home during college, so no dorm stories, but Mom set off the smoke detector every now and then fixing dinner. :D

    I was an aerospace engineering major and a pilot - Bernoulli is my hero! rolleyes1.gif
    I was an AE, too. Thought of doing that pilot stuff, but life got in the way. Did you do Embry-Riddle?
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    squiddysquiddy Registered Users Posts: 161 Major grins
    edited November 30, 2009
    I provided a fridge and microwave in my dorm freshman year. While I was gone one night my roommate decided to make popcorn in my microwave. She was apparently in the hall dancing to the movie Dirty Dancing with some other floor mates and forgot about the popcorn. It burned and charred the inside of my microwave. Meanwhile, since the fridge and microwave were under my loft all my clothes, towels and bed smelled of burned popcorn for months!

    I could have killed her!
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    moose135moose135 Registered Users Posts: 1,419 Major grins
    edited November 30, 2009
    RogersDA wrote:
    I was an AE, too. Thought of doing that pilot stuff, but life got in the way. Did you do Embry-Riddle?
    No, I went to NY Institute of Technology on Long Island. I also did the AFROTC thing and 5 years active duty, including USAF Pilot Training and driving KC-135s. Ended up working 18 years for a newspaper before the economy (and other things) caught up with me, so I never really got to use that engineering degree...
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    RogersDARogersDA Registered Users Posts: 3,502 Major grins
    edited November 30, 2009
    moose135 wrote:
    No, I went to NY Institute of Technology on Long Island. I also did the AFROTC thing and 5 years active duty, including USAF Pilot Training and driving KC-135s. Ended up working 18 years for a newspaper before the economy (and other things) caught up with me, so I never really got to use that engineering degree...
    Out of school I enlisted into OCS for the Air Force Reserves - I even signed the forms and gave the oath. I was going to fly or be navigator for C-130s. A twist in politics at the base (BRAC) kept me from going to OCS - I was honorably discharged without ever serving a day. Met the future wife and never thought of doing it again.
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    ivarivar Registered Users Posts: 8,395 Major grins
    edited December 1, 2009
    moose135 wrote:
    Bernoulli is my hero! rolleyes1.gif
    lol3.gif yeah, thanks to him I have a job lol3.gif
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