Camera HELP!!!
Im a bit confused. I have been doing photography for awhile (sorry i havent posted in awhile) and i have a digital camera which has produced pretty good pictures. Its a proto-type Fujifilm Digital Camera Finepix 2.0mega pixels ccd 6x optical zoom. Its not the best but it worked. I was curious what would be a good camera. i'm trying not to go over $500. I love taking pics of the beach and flowers mostly. Thanks.
I shoot a lot of flowers with my A95 and they come out nice. There is a built in macro focus function, but also manual where you control the focus from 1cm to 100cm. It's pretty sweet for the little all-purpose camera.
My only beef with it is the lag between pushing the button and it actually taking the pic...but that's an annoyance with most get used to it and compensate for it.
I also suggest getting rechargeable AA's and a charger - 2 sets so always have one charged...I believe I have Energizer's 2500mAmp set. Lasts a long time! The A95 doesn't come with an A/C adapter, so get one of those for downloading pics.
my 2 cents :-)
Fuji S5100 and Fuji S7000 are strong. (and 450/550$CDN respectively)
A slightly bigger investment can get you a Sony F828 (used perhaps?), retail is 999$CDN, so I bet you could get it for cheaper.
Fuji E500/510/550 are also great alternatives to Canon A-series cameras. They're basically copies of the Canons, with a lower (100$ or so) pricetag. I like them and suggest them to creative point'n'shooters on a budget (full P/A/S/M control)
Canon S2IS is my next suggestion, and at 649.99$CDN, (500$USD or so), it fits into your pricerange. 5mp, 12xoptical IS zoom. Really *really* nice peice. (and this camera doesn't suffer the shutter lag that the A95 does, but allows the canon Teleconverter lenses (the adapter isn't out yet, but soon) )
Uhh, beyond that, I'm a fan of the Kodak Z740 (just dropped 70$ in price), and some of the upper-end Dimage (minolta) cameras. Z5, A2, etc...
Actually, on that note, every camera i've mentionned here is compatible with various teleconverters.
I hope this has helped... helping customers is easier in real life than trying to do the same online :-P
[Bodies] Canon EOS 20D - Canon EOS 500
[Lenses] Sigma APO 70-200 f/2.8 - Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 - Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 - Tamron XR Di 28-75mm f/2.8 - Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
[Flash] Sigma EF500 Super DG Flash
[Tripod] Manfrotto 055 Pro Black
[Head] 484RC2, 200RC2
"Money can't buy happiness...But it can buy expensive posessions that make other people envious, and that feels just as good.":D
Canon 20D, Canon 50 1.8 II, Canon 70-200 f/4L, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro, Canon 430ex.
So, I think it's more of a slow-focus thing...I was only speaking briefly above when answering the other question.
(who is waiting ever so patiently saving cash to buy a 350D or 20D)
J: It's in the same class as the Canon S2 IS.
H: The 12x stabilized zoom brings a lot of capability to the table.
J: It has full manual controls, but also does very well in Auto modes.
H: And it does flowers. I have a gallery started Here:
So, it depends on what you want- "Prosumer" such as the Sony 828, Nikon 8800/8700, Oly C8080 etc....
Superzoom IS/OS cameras such as Sony H1, Panasonic FZ5, FZ20, Canon IS2 etc....
Compact point and shoot with manual controls Sony P200, various Nikon, Canons etc....
Ultra compact slip in your pocket cameras, Canon Elf series, Fuji Z1, Sony T series etc.....
I have a Sony 828 and am very happy with its performance. Focus speed and shutter lag (or lack there of) are both very good. Shot to shot times even with flash are good.
I also have a Fuji Z1 and even it's focus speed and shutter lag are very good. Much better than a similar camera of a year or so ago.
Best thing is to decide on what type of camera you want, check them out in person if possible, read reviews both professional and personal.
Good luck in your decision.