Proper Southern New Year's cuisine
A proper Southen New Year's meal.
Fried hog jowls (yes pig cheeks, but from the front end, not the other), turnip greens with pepper sauce, blackeyed peas, corn bread (hoe cake, not corn cake) with real butter, and SWEET iced tea (no self respecting Southerner would serve it any other way).

"American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God!"
Fried hog jowls (yes pig cheeks, but from the front end, not the other), turnip greens with pepper sauce, blackeyed peas, corn bread (hoe cake, not corn cake) with real butter, and SWEET iced tea (no self respecting Southerner would serve it any other way).

"American by birth, Southern by the Grace of God!"
Oh My that looks good, makes my mouth water, and as we speak
My Wonderful Wife has on a pot of Blackeyed Peas, and the Corn Bread's in the oven.
Continued Good Health and Happy New Year!!
Kindest Regards,
Burleson, Texas
We don't have a New Year's meal or food that is eaten...wonder why that is
Mary Kim, the hog jowls are a lot like thick cut bacon, but salted. We soak the jowls in water to remove as much salt as we can. We cut the rind and most of the fat off before we cook it. We fry it like bacon or cook it in the microwave on a bacon tray. The flavor is similar to bacon. The blackeyed peas are for luck and the greens are for wealth. This has always been a New Year's traditional meal in my family (probably why I have a bypass and two stints now:ivar ).
"Man cannot live by bread alone. He must have peanut butter!" Brother Dave Gardner
The jowls sound good if it tastes like bacon