That really is a great find to have all those objects still there, around here they'd all be long gone, and so probably would all the wood on the house.
That really is a great find to have all those objects still there, around here they'd all be long gone, and so probably would all the wood on the house.
Really neat images, good compositions and pov.
kind of makes you wonder why would people move out and leave thing behind...
I love your approach to the subject and the pp treatment; it adds so much to the richness and texture of the images. Abandoned places have a mystical lure and you've conveyed it well. Bravo.
I love your approach to the subject and the pp treatment; it adds so much to the richness and texture of the images. Abandoned places have a mystical lure and you've conveyed it well. Bravo.
Thanks, Wicked_Dark, those are very kind words. To be honest, I'm a bit disappointed with the photos I brought from this place so I'm not sure if I was able to convey that mystical lure very well. If anything, I feel like I want to go back to this place (and it's very far from here!) for a second chance. This is not saying that I dislike these photos, not at all... just that the place was so much more powerful than I think I was able to capture.
I know exactly what you mean (although, don't be too hard on yourself) - sometimes when I'm sorting through the shots I've taken I think I didn't even get close to what it felt like to be where I was. If you get back and take more, please post them.
I know exactly what you mean (although, don't be too hard on yourself) - sometimes when I'm sorting through the shots I've taken I think I didn't even get close to what it felt like to be where I was. If you get back and take more, please post them.
Thanks, it's good to see that I'm not alone feeling this way about my own stuff. I definitely will post more of this series.
Nice series here. I particularly like #1 & #3. I'd give my eye teeth to have a ghost town nearby to prowl around in!
Maybe not ghost towns, but there are abandoned houses everywhere. Just jump into your car and drive into the country. Much like I was when I first started shooting abandoned houses, you'd be surprised at how many you'll be able to find. Not all of them are equally interesting, but at the very minimum there's a shot or two in all of them.
Nice comp, post, textures and subject.
That tv...we had one like that long ago
That really is a great find to have all those objects still there, around here they'd all be long gone, and so probably would all the wood on the house.
Really neat images, good compositions and pov.
Burleson, Texas
Thanks Randy, Craig, Mary, and Roadkill for your feedback. Glad you like!
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kind of makes you wonder why would people move out and leave thing behind...
Great images all.!!!
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(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
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