Dgrin opening within the bookmark bar
That is one weird problem. When I click on my Dgrin bookmark in the sidebar, it opens within the sidebar. Perhaps it's a computer problem but only Dgrin does that. Other bookmarks are opening fine. No problem if I open in a new tab. Problem occurs with Windows 7 and the latest FF.
Any idea? Thanks.
Any idea? Thanks.
Does sound like a browser related problem, but not sure. Maybe you could delete the bookmark and try re-saving it? Could also try from www.digitalgrin.com , www.dgrin.com , dgrin.com , and digitalgrin.com and see what happens from those URL's.
Please keep us posted.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I never knew that this was possible, and I'm not sure why anyone would want to do it.
That's what I did and it worked. The old bookmark was http://www.dgrin.com. I deleted it and changed for http://www.dgrin.com/index.php.
I just noticed the option to load in the sidebar. I probably checked that by mistake. It's a new laptop and I'm not used to the touchpad. Indeed, you learn something every day!