store in San Francisco

Hi all,
I will be travelling to Sacramento, Napa and around, I want to get a nikon 35mm lens, can some one point me in the right direction? I am not familiar with stores in that area.
thank you all
I will be travelling to Sacramento, Napa and around, I want to get a nikon 35mm lens, can some one point me in the right direction? I am not familiar with stores in that area.
thank you all
I do not suffer insanity... I enjoy it!!!
Do you have time to buy a lens before you leave home? Why not just order it from Amazon, B&H, Adorama, etc before you go? It would certainly be easier, cheaper, and faster than driving into a big city to get one.
If you must buy from a store out in this area and you won't otherwise be spending time in SF proper, between Napa and Sacramento, your best bet would be buying it Sacramento. I'm sure there's a good store or two there.
All that said, if you'll be on the SF Peninsula, approx 20 miles south of SF, the premiere store around here is Keeble & Shuchat Photography in Palo Alto. Huge store (actually two of them, across the street from each other), very knowledgable sales staff, good support for what they sell, etc. If you're looking for great service & support, that's a prime store to consider. If you're looking for heavy discounts in lieu of personal service/support, you'll want to order from a web retailer.
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...
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Or if you're looking for the best deal, you won't find that in a brick-and-mortar store. But I suspect you value the service of an in-person store or would just ordered online and not posted your question in the first place :-).
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...