Posting pictures

I don't yet have any sort of online portfolio so would like to attach any photos I post rather than embed them (do I have my terminology right here?!). What's the best way of reducing them to a reasonable size whilst not losing too much of the original quality? I have PS elements...:dunno
Thanks in advance:)
I don't yet have any sort of online portfolio so would like to attach any photos I post rather than embed them (do I have my terminology right here?!). What's the best way of reducing them to a reasonable size whilst not losing too much of the original quality? I have PS elements...:dunno
Thanks in advance:)
More practice needed but learning all the time!:rofl
Nikon D50, 18mm-55mm, 55mm-200mm, 50mm f/1.8, SB800, LowePro Slingshot 200AW and other bits!
Nikon D50, 18mm-55mm, 55mm-200mm, 50mm f/1.8, SB800, LowePro Slingshot 200AW and other bits!
Also, do a Google search on resizing photos using Elements. There are a lot of them out there. Here is one example.
Just remember, attaching images to DGrin has a few limitations on file sizes:
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Nikon D50, 18mm-55mm, 55mm-200mm, 50mm f/1.8, SB800, LowePro Slingshot 200AW and other bits!
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Okay - now I feel stupid!
Nikon D50, 18mm-55mm, 55mm-200mm, 50mm f/1.8, SB800, LowePro Slingshot 200AW and other bits!
Nikon D50, 18mm-55mm, 55mm-200mm, 50mm f/1.8, SB800, LowePro Slingshot 200AW and other bits!
Lets see if I got this[IMG][/img]