Weekly Discussion Thread: Where do you store your images?
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Where do you guys store your images?
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Where do you guys store your images?
>> Shhhhhhht. Wanna see the other weekly threads? Click HERE.
Smugmug....where else?<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/ne_nau.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Oh...and also...original RAW images as well as edited jpegs on an internal hard drive with dupes of the jpegs on DATA DVD with an additional copy on external backup hard drive..
Now....how secure is Smugmug?.....how many dupe servers are my images stored on?
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I don't upload high res photos to smugmug, would take me wayyyy to long (esp for a wedding, the way it is right now I'm already uploading the pics for 3 days straight ... )
I have them on an external drive & on DVDs
+ how do you do it when you have to create an album? .... Do you download all the photos again (if they don't get back to you immediately?? Or how about your own portfolio? I have most of my favorites of the year on my computer, just in case I want to update my website ...
You misunderstood me Ang....
In addition to Smug, they are on my pc. Original RAW images as well as edited jpegs on a 1 TB drive I use for photos. In adition, once Im done with the event I back up those jpegs on an external drive...as well as on DVD in Data format. Thats triple on my end not counting the RAW files.....and then of course Smugmug.
I work off my locally stored files for an album. I have never had a reason to download an image FROM my smug site.
I upload full res.....even if I dont make those available for view. Its easier for me that way than it is to add another step in workflow. I set all the filenames and order in Bridge and set up the upload. I usually upload through the nigt....whilst I sleep!
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I'd LOOOOOVE to upload the full res even over night. But Comcast would make sure to put a stop to that. It tends to enjoy killing my uploads of my own photos.
Import photos to LR, assign working hard drive (Free Agent 500G external)....copy those to the server. Server is set up for duplication therefore 2 copies are spread out over different drives on the server. Once project is completed (meaning editing and exporting Jpegs), the server is updated from the working drive then burnt to DVD R...then filed...remove from working drive.
In fact, that's what I'm doing right now...cleaning up older folders, copying and burning. I've found using a faster working drive is much more efficient and use the server for storage alone although I can access it if need be.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
They take advantage of the Amazon S3 grid
Thankfully drives today are super cheap!
I tell them that when they get home to buy the best DVD's they can find and recopy them onto it and also to their hard drive or whatever storage device they have. They are responsible for their images, it is in the contract.
Having said that:
My partner keeps a DVD of the images as well as a gallery on her external harddrive.
I keep a copy of them on an external harddrive as well.
I download my favorite full resolution images to Smugmug from all all their shoots, usually around 250 pictures, for online viewing and ordering for 3 months.
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Once every while I copy everything to a external hard drive which is stored at a different location.
A large selection of high res jpgs are on smugmug, but I use SM only for presentation not backup.
How are you...and others connected to the net?
I ask because I am currently connected via cable through Cox Communications...and am paying for their top tier service/speed. My download speed is super fast, but upload speeds are throttled. Still though, I can typically upload 800 or so images in under 6 hours....maybe even closer to 4 hours. Ive never timed it....
But I am considering switching to a new AT&T fibre optic set up to increase speed, but I would need assurance that upload speeds would be at least as fast as I have not and that large batches wouldn't get bumped off.....forcing me to do batches.
FWIW, I dont RELY on smugmug as back-up....I have other methods...but once they are on smug...they are....well...there as well for safe keeping AND viewing.
-Need help with Dgrin?; Wedding Photography Resources
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***edit*** I deleted a comment that was inaccurate. Jeff to see how your upload speed to smugmug compares with your available upload bandwidth you can go to dslreports.com and go to tools > speed tests and do a test of your line speed there are different servers so you can test one near where the smugmug servers are. Then start an upload to smugmug and then start system monitor in windows and see how fast you are moving along. I tested this some time ago and noticed that I was using only a small portion of my upload speed but just now checked and I am running at full bore, so all is good for me, ymmv.
Bodies: Canon 5d mkII, 5d, 40d
Lenses: 24-70 f2.8L, 70-200 f4.0L, 135 f2L, 85 f1.8, 50 1.8, 100 f2.8 macro, Tamron 28-105 f2.8
Flash: 2x 580 exII, Canon ST-E2, 2x Pocket Wizard flexTT5, and some lower end studio strobes
I only store my edited images long term. I store them on an external drive.
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
So... smugmug has their servers at Equinix facilities and since I recently moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and work at the San Jose SV3 Equinix site... I'm like literally a hop away from SmugMug. I no longer upload anything to smugmug from home, I take all my wedding / e-sessions / personal photos / etc to work on my personal laptop and then just hop on the network and upload away at blazing fast speeds. I clock blazing fast upload speeds from work since it's going from Equinix -> SmugMug and not passing anywhere else, lol.
This is the fastest I've been able to get a screenshot of it uploading at from work. I'll show you guys a traceroute later for further amusement if you want (would do it right now but I'm not at work at the moment)
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Expose The Moment
Had a list of gear, now its to long, so lets say I have 2 bags and 15,000 worth of stuff.
Not that I wouldn't want a RAID solution or something cool like that...
d8 -
Despite the high cost of living, it remains popular.
Why do people post their equipment in their sig. Isn't it kind of like bragging? That having been said...
Canon 40d Gripped (x2), Rebel (Original), Canon 70-200 f/2.8 USM L, Canon 300 f/4, Tamron 28-75 f/2.8, Canon 50mm f/1.8, Canon 17-55 f/3.5-5.6, ThinkTank Airport TakeOff
I still need a safe place, like a fire proof safe, and another HD for them all. hmmmmm
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My Smugmug
My Canon Gear:
5DMII | 24-105mm f/4L | 45mm TS/E | 135mm f/2.0L | 70-200mm f/2.8L IS | 50mm f/1.4 | 580EX II & 430EX
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