Info Box
I am not sure what is causing this to happen whether it's my browser (Linux FF) or the forum software but which ever it drives me nuts. As I an scrolling through the new threads reading the titles if I pause the mouse pointer to long on the line with the thread title a box pops up with a ex-cert of the message. I'm sure some find this useful but not I. Is there a way to turn that option off?
vBulletin forum software does that by default, and by design. No way to turn it off. It is a feature (hovering the mouse) to scan the content of a thread without opening it up. Most users find it a time saver.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I think this should stop all tooltips in FireFox:
(A) In FireFox's address bar type about:config
(B) Press the "I'll be careful, I promise!" button.
(C) In the filter line at the top type
(D) On the configuration line that is shown double-click that to toggle the value from true to false.
(E) Tooltips should be blocked for all websites. Restart FireFox if needed.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
You were correct that did block the tooltips and I can now scroll through the forums without having to worry about were the mouse pointer is located.
Interesting. I guess the only problem is that it will turn them off in all Web sites, which might not be such a good thing. They annoy me, too, on Dgrin, but I usually just try to keep the cursor to the right hand side of the screen, so they don't kick in.
I thought that too but the same "feature" is on some other forums that I frequent so it will help there too. How it effects other things I don't know yet. It's easy to correct if it becomes a problem somewhere.