there is many different gadgets to download your memory cards to.......But a generic name would be portable storage device..........
Here are a few on AMAZON ................the flavors are not endless and some of the best have gone by the wayside but there are still plenty of them out suggestion is to invest in more flash cards.........the prices are dropping quite nicely and I would much rather carry 20 or 30 or more cards than one portable storage device that I have to put batteries in and the flash cards will also be one heck of a lot lighter in the bag or backpack......
I use a HyperDrive for memory card backup and portable storage device and I can recommend that brand for its very fast transfer rate and very good battery life.
Here are a few on AMAZON ................the flavors are not endless and some of the best have gone by the wayside but there are still plenty of them out suggestion is to invest in more flash cards.........the prices are dropping quite nicely and I would much rather carry 20 or 30 or more cards than one portable storage device that I have to put batteries in and the flash cards will also be one heck of a lot lighter in the bag or backpack......
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