Threads Without Photos

I have noticed as I go through the threads that a large number of the older threads have the photos that were once in them removed. I somehow find this quite annoying and totally lacking in their initial purpose! Can these not be removed? I mean I read the critiques and suggestions, but what good is that if I don't see any pictures?? Thanks for listening to my rant LOL

Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
I don't know what others do but I have a special private gallery to which I upload and link appropriately-sized versions all images contained in my Dgrin posts. This way, the images will always be there - that is, as long as SmugMug exists and I continue to be a subscriber!