Suggest a filter for landscapes

I have 150$ to spend on filter(s), i already have a polarizor and i will be using it on 17-40L.
Need something that will dramatically improve visual impact of photos especially if shot under overcast evening when light is too cool and green stuff at distance starts looking blue...
Well GND stuff is very popular for landscapes, i wonder if actual GND filters are better option than taking two exposures and blending in Photoshop.
Need something that will dramatically improve visual impact of photos especially if shot under overcast evening when light is too cool and green stuff at distance starts looking blue...
Well GND stuff is very popular for landscapes, i wonder if actual GND filters are better option than taking two exposures and blending in Photoshop.
Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal
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In my experience, not really.
Most filters for landscape photography have been kinda made obsolete by digital photography. Any program with a curves tool can pretty much do whatever you want.
That said, you could always get a red filter and shoot B&W.
Singh Ray filters - Galen Rowel ND's Would be my suggestion
Good Luck
The Cokin filters are inexpensive and will fit all your lenses with the correct adapters. I do not use the adpators, but instead hold the filter over the lens by hand.