Really Right Stuff BH-30 IS Wonderful!
I just got the RRS BH-30. I wanted a head for a Gitzo 1541t and was struggling with finding a solid, smooth head that worked well with a 70-200 f/2.8 zoom but was small enough to fold inside the 1541t. The BH-30 may be the perfect travel head. It weighs about 10 ounces (11 with the lever release) but holds the 70-200 easily and a will work with a 300 f/2.8 if you use a bit of care. It is small enough to fold completely in the 1541t if you use the screw knob clamp. The lever release allows for ALMOST perfect folding. The RRS BH-30 is built to RRS' usual high standards and it is just the right the balance of small size and great capacity that I have been looking for. Well worth considering.
I agree, this is a super combination
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