
OK, here's an idea. In a recent thread, someone mentioned dropping cameras (ouch!), and of course we all know that some cameras bounce better than others, but what is your favourite† strap, or device to help avoid that "Oooooops!" moment?
I got tired of the bulk of the 3" wide, extra-comfort, extendible, advertising-space-available (apply within), shrinkable, multi-use, all-singing, all-dancing, doubles-as-climbing-safety-harness, can also be used as camping hammock, so I resorted to 24" of ¼" parachute cord (plus bowlines), which can be worn around my neck (although I really hate hanging heavy gear around my neck), but can be conveniently wrapped around my wrist for safety:

- Wil
† apart from everyone's fav. (SmugMug strap, that is)
I got tired of the bulk of the 3" wide, extra-comfort, extendible, advertising-space-available (apply within), shrinkable, multi-use, all-singing, all-dancing, doubles-as-climbing-safety-harness, can also be used as camping hammock, so I resorted to 24" of ¼" parachute cord (plus bowlines), which can be worn around my neck (although I really hate hanging heavy gear around my neck), but can be conveniently wrapped around my wrist for safety:

- Wil
† apart from everyone's fav. (SmugMug strap, that is)
"…………………" - Marcel Marceau
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'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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I've been using a basic hand strap for years now. Something like this one. Just a little something to make it harder for my clumsiness to get the best of me and see my camera crash to the ground.
I loved my Blackrapid R5 for the 2 weeks I had it before my camera was stolen... But since I could barely afford to replace even the camera at the time, I went back to the hand strap. I just got a vertical grip yesterday though, so I'm reconsidering the Blackrapid straps again...
I've always found the typical neck straps rather cumbersome and uncomfortable. In fact, I can't wear them just around my neck. When I've used them they mostly sit "bandoleer" style across my chest, but I frequently had a problem with the straps getting in the way of the viewfinder when I go for a quick portrait shot. The Blackrapid was the perfect solution to this, but I use the hand strap in much the same way. I keep a small camera bag slung over my shoulder and if I haven't shot in a while the camera goes back in the bag, but ready to be picked up again with no more than about 2 seconds delay.
It's comfortable, reliable, has quick connects and a little case for memory cards, and isn't expensive. My only minor annoyance with it is that it's just barely long enough for how I like to wear my camera.
Got bored with digital and went back to film.
That's basically like my set-up but without the SMugMug Logo!
Only that doesn't have the clips reversed on one side so you can clip together ends of each like on my set-up.... Not so convenient! IMOH.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
- Wil
I even add my own to things, like my Booq Bag strap.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
The BR straps fit nicely (although not much more room to get bigger) and extremely comfortably. I've carried around my camera all day and I hardly feel it. On top of that, it keeps the camera out of the way of your hands when it's not being used. A quick grab and you're ready to shoot.
They're expensive but they really are awesome.
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As a Marine, I had dummy corded all manner of imaginable things with this approach and never had an issue.
Even allowing a few less actual breaking strength for any possible quality control issues, at 550 lb. breaking strength, something else will go first.
No, but then again, I've only ever experienced one zipper failure on a backpack, but it was disasterous enough to bring major drama for an extended trip in the bush. Now, I still occasionally use something with zippers, but never fully trust them. I would feel the same way about a Fastex buckle. For my packs that use them, I have a couple of spare buckles and cord stored away for possible field expedient repairs.
I know, it is anal, but it only takes the one experience to make you a believer...:cry
That's interesting, as the reason I asked was that the only failure of a Fastex buckle I've ever come across was also on a backpack; it might have been over-use, or overload, but as you say, it only takes once!
- Wil
I use this one which is easy to buy at $10. It provides definite drop protection yet is easy to slide on and off. However, I'm keeping an eye it in case the neoprene starts to show wear and tear. I find neck straps too clumsy and I really don't like the look, especially the wide straps with huge, loud camera logos on them ("I'm a tourist!").
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