Update/mini-review of Opteka Fisheye attachment

divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
edited May 19, 2010 in Accessories
Some of you may recall my asking about one of these a few months back, in this thread.

Follow up to this. I just received the 0.35x fish/macro attachment. $29.99 + shipping from 47th St Camera, via Amazon Marketplace (nb: very fast shipping and exactly as described from 47th St, so I'd suggest they're one of the "good guys", at least for minor items).

Attachment comes with 2 ring-adapters including a 52--->67 as well as 52---->58 (they really need to mention that in the blurb, as I wouldn't have ordered a separate 52--->67 from Adorama if I'd known!). There's also two snap on caps, a pouch for it, and they include a small microfiber cloth too.

In any case, I put it on the front of my Tam 17-50 on the 7d to give it a whirl. It's never going to replace a dedicated superwide/fisheye and if you want something to take ultrasharp architectural shots you'll be disappointed, but as an inexpensive creative tool? It's terrific! I'm very pleased.

I could only get it to focus with the macro attachment screwed in place; without it, not only would it not AF, but even manually I couldn't get anything in the frame sharp, no matter how near or far the subject distance. AF is 100% fine with the macro attachment screwed into place on the back of the unit (it goes between add-on and lens). (Typing this, I realise I should probably should try the macro attachment on its own, too, and see what that does - my guess is it will act like a 2x Macro filter (?) :dunno)

In any case, some samples - obviously, these are just some quick snaps, essentially SOOC (I converted and that's about it) and just to show the effect it has. No claim is made for high art, here!! (And scuse messy side of house - at least my roses are glorious this year!! :D)

@ 17mm



@50mm and stepping right in to grab that central peach-coloured rose:

@17mm f9.1

Central crop from above shot - I think that's pretty sharp given it's an attachment/filter rather than a lens per se. No processing of any kind - I didn't even pull these into LR, so all they've had is conversion to jpg through Picasa.



  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited May 18, 2010
    Congratulations on the fisheye attachment lens and thanks for posting the results. clap.gif

    That's pretty encouraging when stopped down a bit. thumb.gif
    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • Flea77Flea77 Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
    edited May 18, 2010
    Nice little review. Thanks for the info!

  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited May 19, 2010
    Glad it was helpful thumb.gif

    Two more shots, using just the macro portion screwed directly on to the lens. I tried it on the Canon 50mm 1.4, but it seems to focus more quickly and happily when on the Tamron 17-50.

    Again, it's not going to substitute for a dedicated lens, but at $30 it's an astonishing addition to the bag!

    These are, again, SOOC. Nothing done except to convert. Lens was very close to the items themselves, nearly touching in the case of the 50mm. You have to move the lens itself to the "sweet spot" where it starts to look like it's in focus, and then the AF will latch onto it; it's no trouble at all once you get the hang of it (not sure if this is true for "real" macro lenses as well since I've never used one or done any macro).


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