24-70L vs 28-70L

Researching for the future, since it will take me a while to save enough for either! (It's never-ending, isn't it?!?!?! Every purchase just seems to lead to more ....... :huh:wink )
Current lens lineup includes Tam 17-50 and then a jump to 85mm 1.8. This has always been a bit of a nuissance, since I often need some extra reach just in that missing region (in fact FL-wise, 24-105 would be ideal for me, but I also need an absolute minimum of 2.8 so the 24-105L won't work for me). What I really want is a mid-range zoom optics-and-af-speed equivalent of the 135L!
So, I'm starting to explore whether either of Canon's other mid-range zooms might be worth considering as the Next Big Investment. I've read conflicting reports about performance wide-open and the differences between them, so was just wondering what the folks here have to say (I did a search here, but couldn't pull anything up, although LOTS of talk about the Nikon 24-70 lol). I'm still hoping that the rumoured 24-70is might appear before I'm ready to buy since even though it will likely be expensive it would be pretty much ideal for my uses, but in the meantime..... can't hurt to learn a bit more
Intended use would be general walkaround+portrait+occasional use in low-light concert conditions (although I usually stick to primes there, occasionally there's enough light to use a zoom. This would definitely be true if there was is). I don't use the wide end of my Tam that much, so I'm not that concerned about that (and I'd probably keep the 17-50 to cover that range on the rare occasions I need it)
I suppose the Sigma 24-70 is also worth checking out, although am I right in thinking the AF is a tad slow on it? That would be a dealbreaker for me, I suspect. Also, does the Sig have their version of IS or not? (~scurries off to go re-google the Sigma~)
Current lens lineup includes Tam 17-50 and then a jump to 85mm 1.8. This has always been a bit of a nuissance, since I often need some extra reach just in that missing region (in fact FL-wise, 24-105 would be ideal for me, but I also need an absolute minimum of 2.8 so the 24-105L won't work for me). What I really want is a mid-range zoom optics-and-af-speed equivalent of the 135L!
So, I'm starting to explore whether either of Canon's other mid-range zooms might be worth considering as the Next Big Investment. I've read conflicting reports about performance wide-open and the differences between them, so was just wondering what the folks here have to say (I did a search here, but couldn't pull anything up, although LOTS of talk about the Nikon 24-70 lol). I'm still hoping that the rumoured 24-70is might appear before I'm ready to buy since even though it will likely be expensive it would be pretty much ideal for my uses, but in the meantime..... can't hurt to learn a bit more

Intended use would be general walkaround+portrait+occasional use in low-light concert conditions (although I usually stick to primes there, occasionally there's enough light to use a zoom. This would definitely be true if there was is). I don't use the wide end of my Tam that much, so I'm not that concerned about that (and I'd probably keep the 17-50 to cover that range on the rare occasions I need it)
I suppose the Sigma 24-70 is also worth checking out, although am I right in thinking the AF is a tad slow on it? That would be a dealbreaker for me, I suspect. Also, does the Sig have their version of IS or not? (~scurries off to go re-google the Sigma~)
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Oh, here's one at f2.8. Not razor sharp but more than sharp enough (imo):
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Oh, and yes, I could of course also consider a Tam 28-75 - the 17-50 is a fabulous lens so I'm definitely a fan of their stuff. But having seen how fabulously well L glass combines with the high resolution and fast AF of the 7d, I'm kind of tempted to go the full 9 yards on this one if I can put together the money over the next few months. I'm getting a few headshots enquiries coming in and since I'm at the stage where money made from photography still goes right back into subsidizing upgrades to gear (rather than me actually living on any profits!) it's not out of the question in due course....
All replies and samples welcome - thanks!
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
JM, I just don't use wide that often - most of my shooting is at 35mm and up so, while I feel I should have something wider than that (cf response to Qarik), as long as I keep the Tam it won't be a dealbreaker for me, even on a 1.6x crop. Fast AF, sharpness, and consistency are the things which will matter most for me, with weight (lighter = good) being the other thing I'll probably consider.
A specific question for anybody who's used both lenses: any noticeable difference in the AF speed since one of them is a much older design?
Thanks for the responses - keep 'em coming!
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As I write this..I re-read your OP and you bring up the one point that made me cringe which I have read about myself but didn't want to point it out. The canon 24-70L is not the best piece of glass. From all I have read, it is very good but can be a touch soft wide open. If you go this route you may have to try a few copies?
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
Qarik, good point, but I'm not sure that the 28-70L is necessarily considered a "stepping-stone" piece of glass. From what I've read, some people prefer it to the 24-70 and actively seek it out as an alternative despite its age since it's lighter and apparently slightly sharper at open aps, both of which are important to me. Hence why I posted to see what people in here think about both lenses
I think I really hope that the rumored 24-70is will appear just in time for me ....