CS3 Bridge Smugmug Uploader Problem
I can no longer use the SmugMub uploader from CS3 Bridge. Here's a history of the problem. Bridge started crashing on me last week. I would open up Bridge and then, in about 20 secs, it would crash no matter what I was doing. I looked into the problem and found that if I disabled the Photoshop Services startup script then Bridge stopped crashing.
Prior to last week the SmugMug Uploader inside of Bridge worked perfectly. However, last week one of the uploads to your site stopped abruptly and Bridge crashed. I finally disabled the Photoshop Services startup script so get Bridge to stop aborting. The sad thing is, although Bridge is now back to working I am no longer able to get the Photoshop Services under my Tools menu and thus cannot upload to Smugmug from Bridge anymore (disabling the Photoshop Services script removes this service from the tools menu). Does anyone have a fix for this?
Prior to last week the SmugMug Uploader inside of Bridge worked perfectly. However, last week one of the uploads to your site stopped abruptly and Bridge crashed. I finally disabled the Photoshop Services startup script so get Bridge to stop aborting. The sad thing is, although Bridge is now back to working I am no longer able to get the Photoshop Services under my Tools menu and thus cannot upload to Smugmug from Bridge anymore (disabling the Photoshop Services script removes this service from the tools menu). Does anyone have a fix for this?
I can no longer use the SmugMub uploader from CS3 Bridge. Here's a history of the problem. Bridge started crashing on me last week. I would open up Bridge and then, in about 20 secs, it would crash no matter what I was doing. I looked into the problem and found that if I disabled the Photoshop Services startup script then Bridge stopped crashing.
Prior to last week the SmugMug Uploader inside of Bridge worked perfectly. However, last week one of the uploads to your site stopped abruptly and Bridge crashed. I finally disabled the Photoshop Services startup script so get Bridge to stop aborting. The sad thing is, although Bridge is now back to working I am no longer able to get the Photoshop Services under my Tools menu and thus cannot upload to Smugmug from Bridge anymore (disabling the Photoshop Services script removes this service from the tools menu). Does anyone have a fix for this? My browser is Firefox.
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Seems that most problems with Bridge are due to a corrupted Preferences file, and most people will recommend that you reset your Preferences as the first step in troubleshooting. Adobe has a full page of troubleshooting steps here which explains the steps better than I could (resetting preferences is number two on the list after making sure you are using the current version). It has also been strongly recommended by many people people that you don't use central caching, use folder caching.
And note that if you decide to purge and rebuild your cache, the Global Purge Tool doesn't work properly and you must purge manually using the steps described in the above link (which is a real pain when you use Folder Caching).
Oh, and make sure you don't still have the CS3 beta on your computer - that is known to cause problems.
The only other change I had to make to get Bridge running smoothly was a workflow change - don't ever upload files to a folder that is currently open in Bridge and don't ever navigate to a different folder while Bridge is still processing files.
Hope that helps. Bridge has been running smoothly for me for quite some time now without any problems, and I love the SmugMug uploader.
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I would follow the steps mentioned above to clear the cache and reset preferences. Then change your Bridge preferences to enable Photoshop services and on the Tools->Photoshop Services menu, check Automatically check for services. Then restart Bridge, and you should see the Smugmug option again. If Bridge starts crashing again, the only other thought that occurs to me is to completely uninstall and reinstall CS3. BTW, Smugmug itself has some pretty good uploaders that you can use while you are sorting out the Bridge problem.
Thank you Richard and Lori. I will try some of your suggestions. I still feel something went wrong with the Smugmug uploader which corrupted my version of CS3 Bridge. Bridge has been on my computer for over a year and has never crashed until I started using Smugmug.When I took the Smugmug uploader out of my Bridge startup script the problem went away but so did the Smugmug uploader. I think Smugmug should be looking into this problem more closely.
Bridge CS3 crashed on me during a photo upload to Smugmug when I tried to browse before the upload was complete. I could not get Bridge to restart for more than a few seconds before crashing again even after resetting preferences and reinstalling twice! Thank you Balletphotographer for bringing this up because disabling Bridge startup scripts finally stopped the crashing. I tried enabling Photoshop Services again and the crashes came back. So I can no longer upload from Bridge but at least I can use it. I'd love to get an answer to this.
Yes - that was my same exact experience. Smugmug doesn't seem interested in looking into the problem (it's easier to point the finger elsewhere) and I suppose since very few complaints have been made thus far. It's dissapointing since it was a nice feature.
The cause was in your workflow (for example, green noted that he tried to browse before the upload was complete). Bridge is extremely temperamental and you need to make sure that you have a defined workflow that is compatible with Bridge. If you do something that Bridge doesn't like it can cause all sorts of weird problems which are extremely difficult to fix. Sounds like a pain, but it's really quite simple once you develop your workflow and make sure you don't do anything that will cause Bridge to croak. The biggest thing is to simply let Bridge finish whatever it is processing before you move on to something else.
Now to fix your problem, You haven't mentioned if you have tried any of the things that people have suggested to you, or if you have uninstalled and reinstalled Bridge. If you have tried all of the suggestions that Richard and I have made and you still can't get Bridge working properly, I would suggest that you post on Adobe's User to User forum, or another forum that has people knowledgeable in fixing Bridge problems. It usually takes a while to work your way through fixing it, and you'll probably have to try several different things.
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Anger is quite a strong word - don't think I would rate my annoyance quite that high as, frankly, issues like this are relatively minor things in life. Now to address some of your comments. I have used other uploaders from other e-photo sites which have not caused problems with Bridge. I beg to differ with your diagnosis (have you examined the actual code??). It is not Bridge that initially crashed - it was the Smugmug uploader, which, by the way, I have seen crash independent of Bridge running. After the uploader crashed (because yes - I was looking at other galleries while I was uploading) Bridge then was unable to subsequently use the uploader. I don't think the problem was in my workflow. I should be able to multitask while uploading. But I have found, through other problems encounteres, that the best thing to do while uploading to Smugmug website is "nothing".
Yes, I believe the SmugMug uploader specifically warns you not to browse or close the browser window while an upload is in progress. To be fair, Bridge is also rather finicky about multi-tasking, and while I agree that all software should be completely robust about multi-tasking, that's just not the world we live in yet. What I do find surprising is that your problem persisted after restarting. From what I understand about Web programming, it is extremely unlikely that this is a SmugMug issue but is more likely due to corruption of Bridge temporary files.
Hey -
Has anyone figured out a way around this? SMug's uploader killed my copy of Bridge as well - as with others, it now crashes within 20 seconds of launch and is de facto destroyed. Since the problem seems to date back to October and multiple people on this thread have had it, it's hard to buy into the theory peddled by some that "whatever it is, it CAN'T POSSIBLY be SmugMug"!
Also - does SM have an uploader that isn't riddled with bugs? I tried the "simple" uploader, but found that it would always gag and groan to a stop after a dozen or two photos (sometimes after 1 or 2). That's when I decided to install the Bridge uploader with the results detailed above...
I'll try and find an expert to help - in the meantime, let's get you going.
Our new simple uploader is this:
http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=126990 and we're rolling it live shortly. Try it, I'm expecting it'll be good for you.
I'm really sorry for the Adobe fail, I wish we never had the bridge uploader, it's really not robust nor fast- but it does have a small level of convenience.
Try the new Simple applet=10, you'll not regret it.
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ps - my wife & I your avatar picture is hysterical... subtle but rather brilliant effect...
Any update on this?
Hey Andy -
OK so I completely uninstalled every Adobe component on my system & reinstalled it fresh on my computer. Twice. And the newly-newly-reinstalled Bridge/CS3 still crashes within 20 seconds of launch. This never happened once before I installed the SmugMug installer, it seems to be a permanent affliction now. I've never had anything remotely like this happen to me since I started using computers 25 years ago - and it is literally the most destructive experience I've ever had with any site (or service, or software) on the Internet. I know that you guys say it's really Adobe's fault, but the plugin said "SmugMug" all over it when I installed it, and now my computer is essentially unusable for photography.
I'd really appreciate some help with this. However unresponsive Adobe is with you, you can imagine how they are with a mere paying purchaser of their software. And again - the plugin that did this to may said/says SmugMug all over it.
Does this mean you cleaned out all traces from your Library? Like User/Library/Application Support/Adobe or User/Library/Preferences/Adobe ???
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Just had the same problem today. What a bummer! Disabling the Photoshop Services seems to keep Bridge stable, but doesn't fix the bigger problem of software -- from :gun2Adobe or :gun2SmugMug, whoever is directly responsible for the bugginess -- causing other software to fail and be rendered useless. Is there any way to remove or reinstall the SmugMug part of the Photoshop Services? I figure with a fresh start, and not pushing the program to work to hard multitasking or opening folders that have not yet been filled with photos uploading, it might be ok. Not that ok is wonderful, but it's at least a working status.
Launch Bridge while holding down the shift key and see if that stops the crash. If so, then there is a problematic script which is loading at startup. My first guess is that you need to disable the Adobe Version Cue and Adobe VersionCueSDKLoader by going to the preferences> Startup Scripts section and unchecking those. Quit, relaunch without holding shift and see if you crash.
As with other people I got bite by this this morning.
After spending 3 hours on this tonight, I finally got it to work again.
Steps :
1 * Backup the following file (in case you mess up) : /Users/yourUserName/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Online Services/Adobe Creative Suite 3.0/clients/Adobe Creative Suite 3.0/sessions/state.dat
2 * Using TextEdit, open the file above.
3 * Remove the all <cookie> data that contains the string "Domain="smugmug.com"" enclosed in the <cookie-list> tag
Most likely you will end-up with something like :
( you probably should also remove the following <next-state>, <mx> and <transfer-file-list> data since this the session is not valid anymore but - in my case - I left it; I will probably try to remove those polluting entry later on )
4 * Save the file.
5 * Launch Bridge, reenable "Photoshop Service" startup script (in preference), close Bridge and relaunch it.
=> It should not crash anymore
... but Smugmug it grayed out and cannot be used yet.
6 * Uncheck Tools > photoshop Services > Automatically check for services
7 * Check Tools > photoshop Services > Automatically check for services
8 * Close and relaunch
Now if you try to use the service it should ask for you password again.
If everything works as expected, you may delete the backup file within a few days / few reboot..
There. Good as new.
I wonder if you could clarify step 3 a bit--it looks as if you might have tried including some code that didn't make it into the post. If you wrap it with code tags (use the pound sign button above the message window) that will fix the problem.
Edit: Never mind, looks like you fixed it.
I also have found this...
( but i can't figure out how to get to the first part ( .dat file?) users ? do i go to applications? and then wehre?
Here's the paths for the Mac on 10.5 (Leopard). I don't have 10.4 (Tiger) in front of me to check for differences. I didn't work on any Online Services testing so I can't confirm this solution, but it seems a reasonable try (thanks for the post!). Save the .dat files somewhere locally first, instead of deleting them just in case.
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Online Services/Adobe Creative Suite 3.0/cache
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Online Services/Adobe Creative Suite 3.0/clients/Adobe Creative Suite 3.0/sessions
1) Using Bridge or Finder create a new folder for storing the suspect .dat files
2) with a new window, browse to the directories list above
3) move the .dat files to the folder created in step 1)
4) quit and relaunch Bridge