>>> nw scout, People Photo Challenge #12 winner

nw scoutnw scout Registered Users Posts: 256 Major grins
edited November 2, 2010 in People
"Dirty Boys" Emotions contest winner

Hi there everyone.
The real world knows me as Dave. I have been a professional freelance photographer for the last 17 years or so.
I have a few small clients but do most of my work as a free lance cameraman for a few different production companies and large studios here on the West Coast. I live in the Portland area but do most of my work "on location" all around the country.


Gonna need to look that up...
Looks like Feb 09.
I joined up a few years after my boys were born. I was tired of all the traveling and wanted to do more local work so I could spend more time with them. I liked Smugmugs site as a way to post and sell images locally and joined Dgrin to learn more about it.
Its also nice to see other peoples work. Sometimes you can get to caught up in your own style and vision. Dgrin makes it easy to see what everyone else is doing, and that can open up new creative ideas.

I am mostly on the SPORTS forum, but also enjoy the JOURNEY'S, PEOPLE and OTHER COOL SHOTS.


I had graduated college with a 2 year degree and still no idea what I wanted to do in life.
I decided to take a road trip and climb all over the West Coast. I had Smith Rocks, Yosemite, Moab and a few other places on my list to hit. My Dad was excited for me and bought me a camera so I could take some pics of my travels. I think it was there, high on the cliffs of Yosemite where I realized I wanted to shoot pics for a living. I remember thinking "Man, if I could make a living doing this, that would be cool"


After returning from my 3 month long road trip, I started looking into photography schools. Most all were way to expensive for me, but "The Art Institute of Seattle" was only a few hours away and priced way better than anywhere else so I decided to go for it.
2 years later I was out of school and took a full time job at a local studio in town. I learned a ton more there, working full time in a big production studio, but hated being stuck inside all day. So I quit and went freelance so I could do location work. That was 17 years ago and have not regretted it for 1 second!


Canon for sports and action jobs, and Hasselblad with Phase1 digital backs for studio and static location work.
The various studios I shoot for have about everything under the sun, so I get to have my pic of lenses and lighting equipment.
For my own lighting, I like the lumidine lights because they break down small, and can pack away easy for hard to reach location work.


Thats a tough one. One reason I got into photography was because of the diversity it can offer.
Having creative freedom, for me, often overshodows the location or the subject.
In advertising, you are so often used as just a tool in someone else's vision. So when I have creative freedom, that for me, is whats best.
Having said that, I can tell you that shooting the water craft ad's in the Florida Keys, and the snowmobile ad's in the Mt's of Montana was pretty damm cool!


Thats impossible.
Might as well ask me witch one of my kids I like the best.


Shoot what you love.
If you're not doing that, you might as well be in a cubicle pushing papers.


Don't just take a photo, create it. Don't just capture what is there. Create an image of what YOU see.
Also, you need to realize what you want to do with your photography.
If you want to pursue it as a profession, take business and marketing classes.
Thats just as, if not more important, than your photos. There are many brilliant photographers working in warehouses and at the office. It's the one's that are good at business that make it.


I think Galen Rowell was one of my biggest influences.
I remember seeing his images of people out in beautiful, exciting locations, and thinking WOW, what a great way to live your life. I wanted that. I wanted to capture moments like that and get paid to see all the amazing places this world has to offer.


Well, like most Dad's, I love taking pics of my boys.
This shot was from a little adventure we took a few weeks ago. We sold our mini van and got a truck, so me and the boys headed out for a manly dirt play day.
After a little hike we did a some 4x4ing, then the boys wanted to play in the dirt. After sitting in the back of the truck for a while watching them get all dirty, I grabbed my camera and ran to the bottom of the hill they were sliding down. I held the camera down at ground level and ran down the hill blindly clicking off shots as they slid down after me. I shot about 10 shots of the slide down but this shot at the end was my favorite. I just kept the camera held down at the ground and kept shooting as my one boy got up. I saw the dirty butt and thought "man I hope I am getting this sharp and in frame" because I couldn't see what I was shooting.
Some times it pays to try new ways to shoot. Even if you can't see what you are doing :thumb


Me, on location in the Mt's of Santa Barbara


  • reyvee61reyvee61 Registered Users Posts: 1,877 Major grins
    edited October 1, 2010
    Fantastic images, inspiring to say the least.
    Thanks for sharing with us
    Yo soy Reynaldo
  • zoomerzoomer Registered Users Posts: 3,688 Major grins
    edited October 1, 2010
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited October 1, 2010
    Wonderful images, wonderful interview. Are you doing what the old-fashioned "still photographer" used to do for studios/movies? Just curious - somehow, I guess imagined it would be different in the digital age - don't know why it should be, but in my addled brain I kind of assumed things had changed!

    Congrats on a deservedly popular image -that really is a wonderful shot! I hope it's hanging on a wall in your house somewhere :D
  • QarikQarik Registered Users Posts: 4,959 Major grins
    edited October 1, 2010
    very cool. nice read
    D700, D600
    14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
    85 and 50 1.4
    45 PC and sb910 x2
  • nw scoutnw scout Registered Users Posts: 256 Major grins
    edited October 2, 2010
    divamum wrote: »
    Wonderful images, wonderful interview. Are you doing what the old-fashioned "still photographer" used to do for studios/movies? Just curious - somehow, I guess imagined it would be different in the digital age - don't know why it should be, but in my addled brain I kind of assumed things had changed!

    Congrats on a deservedly popular image -that really is a wonderful shot! I hope it's hanging on a wall in your house somewhere :D

    Not sure I understand the question?
    My freelance work is mostly still images for advertising jobs. I do a little editorial work but mostly ad stuff.
    Studios and production companies hire me to shoot for them.
    I don't do anything with the movie industry, though I would like to.
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited October 2, 2010
    nw scout wrote: »
    Not sure I understand the question?
    My freelance work is mostly still images for advertising jobs. I do a little editorial work but mostly ad stuff.
    Studios and production companies hire me to shoot for them.
    I don't do anything with the movie industry, though I would like to.

    Ah, ok - I thought when you said "studios" you meant as in movie studios! :giggle
  • sara505sara505 Registered Users Posts: 1,684 Major grins
    edited October 2, 2010
    divamum wrote: »
    Ah, ok - I thought when you said "studios" you meant as in movie studios! :giggle

    Great interview, great attitude, great photos.

    please tell me what that hand sign means - the thumb and pinkie.
  • nw scoutnw scout Registered Users Posts: 256 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2010
    It's the Hawaiian symbol for "Hang Loose"
    We were just hannging out shooting pics wating for the sun to go down............
  • sara505sara505 Registered Users Posts: 1,684 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2010
    nw scout wrote: »
    It's the Hawaiian symbol for "Hang Loose"
    We were just hannging out shooting pics wating for the sun to go down............

    Thank you! I have been wondering about that for a long time!
  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2010
    Very inspiring Story! And wonderful photos!thumb.gif
    tom wise
  • adbsgicomadbsgicom Registered Users Posts: 3,615 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2010
    Really amazing story and images.
    - Andrew

    Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
    My SmugMug Site
  • tomnovytomnovy Registered Users, Administrators Posts: 1,103 SmugMug Employee
    edited October 3, 2010
    Great images. Great work.
    SmugMug Support Hero | Customizer | My SmugMug site - http://www.photom.me | Customization Portal - https://customsmug.com/
  • SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2010
    Great stuff!!!

    Nice cometary................wonderful images.

    I love the overall effect of your images. They absolutely stand out.

    Keep posting.

  • lizzard_nyclizzard_nyc Registered Users Posts: 4,056 Major grins
    edited October 3, 2010
    Really enjoyed reading your interview--you have some great advise.

    FWIW the shot of the boys in the dugout bowdown.gif.
    Liz A.
  • IdahoMotomomIdahoMotomom Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited October 4, 2010
    Great interview and of course I love seeing your images. Every time I step in a precarious location on the track to get a good shot, you rush through my head...and then I take a step backwards.

    Your boys are adorable and so glad you're able to enjoy them and shooting again.

    Yesterday I grabbed my camera to shoot our 10 yo on her new 85 at the track and left my bike in the trailer. That needs to stop, but I'm addicted to photography and riding mx. I cannot figure out how to do both at the same time!

    Stay healthy! If you ever want to gain a mentee, please, please pick me!

    PS I know that photo is old of Stewart, he lost that #1 plate to a GREAT kid! He is going to have to work hard to get it back on that Yamaha. It looks good on the Zook!
  • nw scoutnw scout Registered Users Posts: 256 Major grins
    edited October 5, 2010
    Great interview and of course I love seeing your images. Every time I step in a precarious location on the track to get a good shot, you rush through my head...and then I take a step backwards.

    Your boys are adorable and so glad you're able to enjoy them and shooting again.

    Yesterday I grabbed my camera to shoot our 10 yo on her new 85 at the track and left my bike in the trailer. That needs to stop, but I'm addicted to photography and riding mx. I cannot figure out how to do both at the same time!

    Stay healthy! If you ever want to gain a mentee, please, please pick me!

    PS I know that photo is old of Stewart, he lost that #1 plate to a GREAT kid! He is going to have to work hard to get it back on that Yamaha. It looks good on the Zook!

    Thanks everyone. Glad you like the images. Its been a fun ride so far thumb.gif

    Dungey is a stud! Never worked with him but have met him a few times and always liked him. Great kid for sure!!!
    I have never shot for Suzuki so inless he jumps ship..........

    I am almost done with my new site. I am excited to post it up for you all to see. I want to get a little C@C before I send it out to the world. Hopefully in another day or two?
  • jmetteerjmetteer Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited October 25, 2010
    Nice read Dave! Really glad I stumbled upon it. thumb.gif

    Here is a recent photo of Dave in his element, well one of them.clap.gif

  • briandelionbriandelion Registered Users Posts: 512 Major grins
    edited October 25, 2010
    Fantastic work and an informative article. You love what you do and it comes through in your pictures.
    "Photography is not about the thing photographed.
    It is about how that thing looks photographed." Garry Winogrand

    Avatar credit: photograph by Duane Michals- picture of me, 'Smash Palace' album
  • kris10jokris10jo Registered Users Posts: 284 Major grins
    edited October 25, 2010
    great photos and great interview! thanks for sharing!
  • jirojiro Registered Users Posts: 1,865 Major grins
    edited October 25, 2010
    Thanks for sharing! I'm inspired! thumb.gifthumbthumb.gifthumbthumb.gif
    Sitting quietly, doing nothing. Spring comes and the grass grows by itself.

  • 00SS00SS Registered Users Posts: 730 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2010
    excellent read - love all the shots, but really fond of the quad rider - nicely done
  • nw scoutnw scout Registered Users Posts: 256 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2010
    Thanks everyone.
    Glad you liked the shots and story. Im not to good on the keyboard so it took me a while to do that write up headscratch.gif

    I just finished up my new site. You can check it out here


    I will be adding a few more images and a video reel over the next few weeks, but for the most part its pretty much done.

  • CASowersCASowers Registered Users Posts: 130 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2010
    hard to say what hasn't already been said...terrific stuff, inspiring and makes me want to get to the track to take pics of my cousin's kid. 9 yrs old and making his way though the SE PA circuit (Pagoda MC is his home track).
    Chris Sowers
  • AgnieszkaAgnieszka Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,263 Major grins
    edited November 2, 2010
    WOW, WOW and WOW!
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