Making more money
Ok, I'm not doing so well on making much money on my site. I make quite a bit on the side selling photos in person, but have practically $0 in sales on the site. Most of what I have made was at the launch of the site. I would think my photos are just horrible, but since I sell so much in person, I know that can't be the case. So I am looking for suggestions on what I should be doing to increase my sales from the people that do sell a lot. What do you do? How do you promote? Are my prices too high? Please give me all the suggestions you can think of. At the rate I'm going, the site doesn't pay for itself. Please and thank you.
You have keyworded your photos, and that's a good starting point. To take that a step further, adding gallery descriptions might be good.
Your bio tells me little about the type of photography you do; an update there might be helpful. What do you think would interest a potential buyer? Your current location could be important, but where you are born is likely not.
On the laptop that I'm using right now, all I see on your homepage is your bio and most of a slideshow. I know, not everyone is using a laptop, but I would expect a lot of folks to be using one.
I don't see anything on your site that highlights a gallery or a set of photos. It starts with a bio and a slideshow. Clicking on the slideshow opens a gallery containing only 3 photos.
Do you have any links inbound to your site? A blog?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Then, step back and look at your site as a visitor might see it. You are using the standard smugmug layout with a background. You haven't put much of a personal touch on it, and there isn't anything there that stands out to pull the viewer in.
Look at some other smugmug sites for ideas, pick the things that cause the sites to stand out for you, implement changes to your site based on those ideas.
Use good names for your galleries. You have a gallery named "Photos". That's pretty generic and to my mind a useless name.
Clean up your keywords. It looks like you are using the option to create keywords based on your photo names. That's a good thing if your photos are all have meaningful names. It's not a good thing if your photos have the standard straight out of the camera names - a keyword like 1376 is meaningless. For example, look at the keywords in your Eureka Springs Railroad gallery - the fact that the photo is tonemapped may be of interest to you and possibly to other photographers, but I don't believe most people who are looking for photos to buy are going to search for that. Why aren't you using keywords related to the subject of the photo?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
My Photos
My Blog
On Google+
On DrivingLine