Pro Branding! Thank You Prints, Stickers, more

AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
edited December 10, 2010 in SmugMug Pro Sales Support
For a long time now, you have been <strike>asking us</strike> telling us in no uncertain words that you would like much less of our name and much more of your name throughout the order process. We get it - your brand is what matters to your customers!

We're announcing now our Pro Order Branding feature :clap You’ve had the ability to brand your shopping cart, but we dialed this feature up to eleven. Design your own thank you notes that get included with your print orders and put custom stickers on the outside of the shipping box. Sound cool?

<object width="640" height="360" ><param name="movie" value="; /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="flashVars" value="s=ZT0xJmk9ODgwMTcyMzQ4Jms9WHRlVWomYT0xMjIxOTkxM19mUFczMiZ1PW9uZWRnZXBob3RvJnNlPTEmc289MCZoZGI9MSZzYj0xJmZzPTEmdW5kZWZpbmVkPTAm" /><embed src="; flashVars="s=ZT0xJmk9ODgwMTcyMzQ4Jms9WHRlVWomYT0xMjIxOTkxM19mUFczMiZ1PW9uZWRnZXBob3RvJnNlPTEmc289MCZoZGI9MSZzYj0xJmZzPTEmdW5kZWZpbmVkPTAm" width="640" height="360" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true"></embed></object>


Go wild and design a custom thank you print, to be printed on a 4x6 photo and shipped along with your order. Here's one that is packed at the top of a stack, inside the wrapping, in a Bay Photo order. It's the first thing your customer sees when they open the box.


Another simple bit of photoshop work and you can have a custom sticker on the outside of the packaging boxes from the lab. You'll find the branding section in your Pros tab of your control panel.

Our full help page is here. Of course, feel free to write our Support Heroes or post a question in this thread. We've been working on this feature for you for a while, it took a considerable amount of effort both within SmugMug and at our Labs - we do this because we know that our brand, SmugMug, matters to you -- thanks for staying with us, and allowing us to grow and add new goodies for you!

Happy branding!


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 14, 2010
    FAQS (I'll be updating this post here with new questions that you guys ask).

    Is there a charge? Yep, order branding is only $1 per order. This will come out of the profits in your order. If there's not enough profit in the order, we'll charge your card on file.

    Can I have my cake and eat it too? I want branding on most of my stuff, but not on the prints I sell for a few bucks each.:D Yes, you can! Branding can be turned off at the gallery level, in the gallery settings page.

    That Return Address label thing is cool - can I have it on my Bay Photo orders, too?. No, not at this time. Return address labels with your studio name on them, and the Lab's address, are only for EZPrints orders presently. We hope one day in the future to have it at Bay Photo as well.

    Waiiiiit a minute, one of my orders from EZPrints didn't include a sticker or a Thank You print - what gives? See the gotchas, please, in our help page - there are a few exceptions where, due to lab workflow, we can't do the branding.
  • Zwingli76Zwingli76 Registered Users Posts: 15 Big grins
    edited May 14, 2010
    Another awesome release. Thanks.

    Are there any limitations the design of the small sticker? colors, bleeds, dropshadows etc
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 14, 2010
    Zwingli76 wrote: »
    Another awesome release. Thanks.

    Are there any limitations the design of the small sticker? colors, bleeds, dropshadows etc
    Only the size. 400px by 200px minimum
  • Zwingli76Zwingli76 Registered Users Posts: 15 Big grins
    edited May 14, 2010
    Sweet!! Thanks Andy.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 15, 2010
    Zwingli76 wrote: »
    Sweet!! Thanks Andy.
    You're welcome thumb.gif
  • Awais YaqubAwais Yaqub Registered Users Posts: 10,575 Major grins
    edited May 15, 2010
    Looking great !
    Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal

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  • justusjustus Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited May 17, 2010
    Stickers and Thank You's
    Love always...thanks so much.

    Now the bad part...I have been trying for an hour to upload my logo for stickers and the cart branding with no luck.
    I am uploading the recommended sizes, but the red bar keeps appearing telling me I'm not properly dimensioned...

    Justus Photography
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 17, 2010
    justus wrote: »
    Love always...thanks so much.

    Now the bad part...I have been trying for an hour to upload my logo for stickers and the cart branding with no luck.
    I am uploading the recommended sizes, but the red bar keeps appearing telling me I'm not properly dimensioned...

    Hi, please write our Support Heroes with details on the files, sizes thanks.
  • LeeHowellLeeHowell Registered Users Posts: 99 Big grins
    edited May 24, 2010
    This is great! I have an order that came through before I set my thank you card/shipping label defaults in pro-banding and in the gallery they ordered from. Is it too late for me to give it a test spin on this order?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2010
    LeeHowell wrote: »
    This is great! I have an order that came through before I set my thank you card/shipping label defaults in pro-banding and in the gallery they ordered from. Is it too late for me to give it a test spin on this order?
    Yes, I'm sorry - set it up though, and new orders will have it thumb.gif
  • RKnechtRKnecht Registered Users Posts: 366 Major grins
    edited May 26, 2010
    I have one word for this news.....AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Smugmug.
    A few Nikon bodies and some fast Nikon glass
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited May 30, 2010
    Bump for new awesome video in post #1 naughty.gif
  • BradfordBennBradfordBenn Registered Users Posts: 2,506 Major grins
    edited May 31, 2010
    New Video is cool. And it answered my question :)

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  • nipprdognipprdog Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2010
    I have been trying for an hour to set this up, with no luck. ne_nau.gif

    I keep getting this;


    The pic I'm trying to upload meets the requirements.

    Here's the link to it;
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2010
    nipprdog wrote: »
    I have been trying for an hour to set this up, with no luck. ne_nau.gif

    I keep getting this;
    The pic I'm trying to upload meets the requirements.

    Here's the link to it;
    Jim: it's got to be 3:2 ratio - your file is not 3:2.
  • nipprdognipprdog Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2010
    I just tried it with this 4x6 version with no luck;
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 27, 2010
    Dunno why, but we didn't like the exact pixel dimensions you used. I uploaded your image as 2400x1600 and it's all good
  • nipprdognipprdog Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
    edited June 28, 2010
    Thanks, Andy. Will the thank you prints and labels be used on orders we place? I want to place a small order to check out the print and label.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 28, 2010
    nipprdog wrote: »
    Thanks, Andy. Will the thank you prints and labels be used on orders we place? I want to place a small order to check out the print and label.
    Hi Jim, no, not unless it's a pro-priced order. So buy something at $.01 over cost logged out, and you'll get it. Upload a sticker, too thumb.gif and don't forget to see our help page:
  • nipprdognipprdog Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
    edited June 28, 2010
  • nipprdognipprdog Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
    edited June 28, 2010
    Andy wrote: »
    Upload a sticker, too thumb.gif

    Tried that. Got the same will not work message. :cry

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 28, 2010
    nipprdog wrote: »
    Tried that. Got the same will not work message. :cry


    Jim, our instructions:


    * Minimum 210px by 140px in size
    * Larger images in 3:2 will be scaled down
    * PNG (recommended) or JPG format

    Your image is 2:1 ratio. It must be 3:2 ratio. Also, try a transparent png, with light text - it looks mo bettah thumb.gif
  • nipprdognipprdog Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
    edited June 29, 2010
    Andy wrote: »
    Jim, our instructions:


    * Minimum 210px by 140px in size
    * Larger images in 3:2 will be scaled down
    * PNG (recommended) or JPG format

    Your image is 2:1 ratio. It must be 3:2 ratio. Also, try a transparent png, with light text - it looks mo bettah thumb.gif

    Psssssst, those are for the shopping cart. I'm trying to upload a sticker, in JPEG format, at 450x900 pixels. mwink.gif

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 29, 2010
    nipprdog wrote: »
    Psssssst, those are for the shopping cart. I'm trying to upload a sticker, in JPEG format, at 450x900 pixels. mwink.gif

    oh haha, let me try ;)
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 29, 2010
    Andy wrote: »
    oh haha, let me try ;)

    I uploaded it just fine to your sticker branding... cheers Jim.
  • KeithHKeithH Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
    edited December 9, 2010
    I usually use EZ Prints but I'm a little confused about this line in the help file for stickers:
    Note: EZ Prints can include Stickers to any order that contains merchandise items. Bay Photo orders will always include one as long as you have Stickers enabled.
    The way this is worded it sort of sounds like EZ Prints will only include a sticker if the order contains merchandise. Can you clarify?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited December 10, 2010
    KeithH wrote: »
    The way this is worded it sort of sounds like EZ Prints will only include a sticker if the order contains merchandise. Can you clarify?

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